Городское лесоводство превратилось в многогранную дисциплину, включающую в себя далеко не только эстетическое озеленение. Являясь краеугольным камнем рационального природопользования, оно включает в себя...
Urban forestry has evolved into a multifaceted discipline, encompassing far more than aesthetic landscaping. As a cornerstone of environmental stewardship, it includes strategic planning and comprehensive...
On June 13 and 14, 2019, the first global insights conference on community-driven development (CDD) and conflict prevention brought together participants representing government delegations from across...
This book covers many of the papers presented at the Conference, including some of the most up-to-date research and ideas on public asset management. This book is relevant to at least four categories of...
With funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the World Bank organized a cities forum on building knowledge networks and partnerships for sustainable urban development in Bangladesh...
The Green Freight Transport and Logistics Study was launched in August 2014 and the preliminary results were shared during this interim workshop. The objective of the project is to develop a green growth...
The African region is faced with a multitude of challenges when it comes to sustainable transport. Achieving sustainable and inclusive transport systems in Africa is essential for the region’s economic...
This report summarizes the presentations and discussions that took place as part of the Third Flood Risk Management and Urban Resilience workshop in Manila, the Philippines, in June 2014. The workshop...
The Be the Movement workshop was an inspiring gathering of climate change activists, youth and concerned professionals. Five main needs on how to strengthen the climate action movement were identified...
This is a post conference summary of the Partnership for Development Knowledge Conference held in Yemen from March 4-6, 2014. The report summarizes the discussions that took place during various conference...
This is a post conference summary of the Partnership for Development Knowledge Conference held in Yemen from March 4-6, 2014. The report summarizes the discussions that took place during various conference...
This is a post-conference summary of the CPS Consultations with the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan, January 7, 2014 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The objective was to exchange views on the challenges and development...
The country partnership strategy consultation meetings with the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan were held during the months of September 2013 (as part of the technical session co-chaired by the Economic...
This is a post-conference summary of the CPS Consultations with Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, December 19, 2013 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The objective was to exchange views on the challenges and...
A workshop co-organized by the World Bank and the Institute of Comprehensive Transport of the National Development and Reform Commission, reviewed the opportunity, challenges and solutions to implement...
A workshop co-organized by the World Bank and the Institute of Comprehensive Transport of the National Development and Reform Commission, reviewed the opportunity, challenges and solutions to implement...
The East Asia and Pacific (EAP) clean stove initiative (CSI) forum is part of the World Bank's EAP CSI regional program, which focuses on achieving access to modern cooking and heating solutions in the...
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) agency jointly with the World Bank and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Comprehensive...
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) agency jointly with the World Bank and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Comprehensive...
This report summarizes the presentations and discussions that took place as part of the Second Flood Risk Management and Urban Resilience workshop in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in May 2013. The workshop...