High commodity prices and the removal of COVID-19 restrictions spurred economic recovery in 2022. The government continued with fiscal consolidation to safeguard macroeconomic stability. Higher commodity...
The special focus for this issue is on long-term growth, emphasizing the challenges Papua New Guinea (PNG) is facing. It identifies the underlying challenges of low and volatile growth in the country and...
Reflecting a strong global economic rebound, Papua New Guinea (PNG) reversed its downward economic growth trajectory in 2021. The World Bank estimates that the PNG economy contracted by 3.5 percent in...
In 2020, Papua New Guinea faced three crises: the COVID-19 health emergency, an economic contraction, and political turmoil. The economy contracted by 3.8 percent in 2020 and will rebound by 3.5 percent...
Papua New Guinea’s economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis due to weaker demand and less favorable terms of trade. Pandemic-related global and national movement restrictions have weakened external...
Papua New Guinea’s economy continues to face economic headwinds resulting from global and domestic economic uncertainties. PNG’s real GDP, despite rebounding to 5.6 percent in 2019, is expected to fall...
Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) economy has started recovering from a series of external shocks, but its growth outlook remains fragile due to rising uncertainties. The recovery is being observed in the resource...
The PNG economy has become increasingly concentrated in petroleum-and-gas-related activities since 2014, raising its vulnerability to external shocks, including commodity-price shocks and natural disasters...
This Papua New Guinea Economic Updates (PNG EU). It has two principle aims. First, it analyzes the key recent developments in Papua New Guinea’s economy, and places these in a longer-term and global context...