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  • Coaching in Economic Inclusion: Learning from Existing Models and Casting a Way Forward (Inglés)

    Coaching is used in 90 percent of economic inclusion programs and is increasingly seen as a critical component of such interventions (Andrews et al. 2021). It is a cross-cutting element in economic inclusion...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 186386 Fecha del documento: 15 de diciembre de 2023 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Sumanthiran,Shilohni Kanchana,Roelen,Keetie

  • Coaching in Economic Inclusion: Learning from Existing Models and Casting a Way Forward (Inglés)

    Coaching is used in 90 percent of economic inclusion programs and is increasingly seen as a critical component of such interventions (Andrews et al. 2021). It is a cross-cutting element in economic inclusion...

    Tipo de documento: Informe Número del informe: 186386 Fecha del documento: 12 de diciembre de 2023 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Sumanthiran,Shilohni Kanchana,Roelen,Keetie

  • How are Youth Employment Programs Adapting to COVID-19? (Inglés)

    This brief is part of the solutions for youth employment (S4YE) knowledge brief series focusing on the design and implementation of youth employment programs. In this knowledge brief, the authors highlight...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 153765 Fecha del documento: 1 de octubre de 2020 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Singh,Sunamika,Joseph,Kavell Gianina

  • Jobs Interventions for Young Women in the Digital Economy (Inglés)

    This Jobs Solutions Note identifies practical solutions for development practitioners to proactively integrate gender inclusion in digital jobs programs. Based on curated knowledge and evidence for a specific...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 148184 Fecha del documento: 29 de abril de 2020 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Datta,Namita,Robinson,Danielle Simone

  • Leveraging Community Institutions to Support Agri-Business and Livelihoods in Jharkhand (Inglés)

    The JOHAR project was initiated in 2017 to aid targeted rural producer households to diversify and enhance their household income, and achieve a significant increase in real income until 2023 in selected...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 149095 Fecha del documento: 1 de marzo de 2020 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Bihari, Bipin,Khanuja, Jasmeet,Kothari,Anand Kumar Yogen,Newton-Lewis, Tom

  • The Knowledge and Learning Agenda (Inglés)

    An analysis of the state of play in governance and anti-corruption (GAC) knowledge and learning (K and L) was conducted in some depth during the preparation of the GAC strategy update by Colum Garrity...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo (Serie Numerada) Número del informe: 143498 Fecha del documento: 13 de octubre de 2019 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Bernstein,David S.,Minoso,Maria Del Carmen

  • September 2019 PovcalNet Update : What's New (Inglés)

    The September 2019 global poverty update from the World Bank includes revised survey data which lead to minor changes in the most recent global poverty estimates. The update includes revisions to 18 surveys...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 142013 Fecha del documento: 1 de septiembre de 2019 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Atamanov,Aziz,Castaneda Aguilar,Raul Andres,Diaz-Bonilla,Carolina,Jolliffe,Dean Mitchell,Lakner,Christoph,Mahler,Daniel Gerszon,Montes,Jose,Moreno Herrera,Laura Liliana,Newhouse,David Locke,Nguyen,Minh Cong,Prydz,Espen Beer,Sangraula,Prem Prasad,Tandon,Sharad Alan,Yang,Judy

  • Welfare Implications of Employment Transitions in Uganda (Inglés)

    Understanding employment transitions and their implications in terms of welfare and labor outcomes is key for countries to design labor market policies aimed at inclusive growth, particularly in developing...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 133064 Fecha del documento: 18 de diciembre de 2018 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Mejia-Mantilla,Carolina

  • Civil Servant Surveys help assess Government Capability in a Program for Results (Inglés)

    To focus on strengthening the institutional capacity of national systems by linking financing to defined results, the World Bank’s Program-for-Results (PforR) requires a deep understanding of behavioral...

    Tipo de documento: Resumen Número del informe: 133933 Fecha del documento: 1 de diciembre de 2018 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Bteddini,Lida,Hasnain,Zahid,Kay,Kerenssa Mayo,Rogger,Daniel Oliver

  • Public Procurement in the Belt and Road Initiative (Inglés)

    China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) includes major infrastructure investment projects – roads, ports, railways – that aim to improve connectivity along a number of transport corridors spanning 71...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 132786 Fecha del documento: 1 de diciembre de 2018 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Ghossein,Tania,Hoekman,Bernard M.,Shingal,Anirudh

  • Designing Communication Campaigns for Energy Subsidy Reform : Communication (Inglés)

    Energy subsidy reform is not a goal in itself, but rather a means of achieving lasting economic and social progress. Communicating with the public and other key stakeholders about the benefits of reform...

    Tipo de documento: Informe Número del informe: 127998 Fecha del documento: 30 de junio de 2018 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Worley,Heather B.,Pasquier,Sara Munro Bryan,Canpolat,Ezgi