This paper estimates the profitability of inorganic fertilizer use in maize production in Malawi. It employs a two-wave, nationally representative panel of data on smallholder households and plots to estimate...
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc upon global learning, with many countries facing severe school disruptions and closures. An emerging literature based on household survey data points to the pandemic...
As part of a global effort led by the World Bank to track the socio-economic impacts of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the living standards measurement study (LSMS) team supports high-frequency phone...
An analyst using household survey data to construct a welfare metric is often confronted with onfronted with An analyst using household survey data to construct a welfare metric is often confronted with...
Un analista que usa los datos de las encuestas de hogares para la construcción de un indicador de bienestar se enfrenta a menudo con una serie de problemas teóricos y prácticos. ¿Qué componentes deben...
Poverty assessments are typically clouded in conceptual and methodological uncertainties. How should living standards be assessed? Is a household survey necessary, and is it a reliable guide? Where should...
Este manual explica el proceso de planificación, los procedimientos técnicos y los estándares utilizados en las encuestas de hogares del Estudio de Medición de los Niveles de Vida (LSMS, por sus siglas...
As a part of the Living Standards Measurement Study, this paper presents a critical overview of alternative approaches towards setting poverty lines, which: a) define the minimum level of living standards...
Albania provides a small amount of social assistance to nearly 20 percent of its population through a system that allows a degree of community discretion in determining distribution. This study indicates...
This paper uses data from the 1992-93 Vietnam Living Standards Survey (VLSS) to examine the nature of private schooling in Vietnam. Although the number of private schools is small, it is growing in both...
This paper explores the impact of six non-communicable chronic diseases (NCCDs) on the decision to retire among men and women aged 45-85 in Jamaica using the 1991 and 1992 Survey of Living Conditions data...
This manual explains the planning process, technical procedures, and standards used in Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS) household surveys, including what these procedures entail, why they are used...
This document presents a set of Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS) questionnaires that have been developed for use in the Russian-speaking countries of the former Soviet Union. These questionnaires...
Poverty comparisons - an increasingly important starting-point for welfare analysis - are almost always based on household surveys. They therefore require that one be able to distinguish underlying differences...
Mothers' education is often found to be positively correlated with child health and nutrition in developing countries, yet the causal mechanisms are poorly understood. Threepossible mechanisms are: (1)...
This document presents a set of Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS) questionnaires that have been developed for use in the Russian-speaking countries of the former Soviet Union. These questionnaires...
Health care demand price elasticities are often estimated from samples conditioned to include only sick people. This paper shows that not only may such estimates be statistically biased, but even when...
This manual explains the planning process, technical procedures, and standards used in Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS) household surveys, including what these procedures entail, why they are used...
Much work has been devoted to deriving and extending decomposable inequality and poverty measures. For example, the use of decomposition techniques to partition inequality into within-race group and between-race...
This paper is concerned with the derivation of a welfare indicator for households from consumption data. It examines, illustrating with reference the data for Ecuador, several of the steps involved in...