Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA) launched its standards harmonization project in 2011 to help businesses cut costs associated with the different standards in force across the East African community (EAC)...
One of the most important instruments of trade facilitation is the commodity nomenclature, which provides a definition of all goods subject to foreign trade. The correct classification of goods forms the...
Rwanda’s government and private sector took a bold step towards achieving a critical reform agenda with the design and implementationof a single window for international trade system. This implementation...
The Republic of Sudan’s seaports used to be known for congestion resulting from the slow processing of imported goods. In response, the government created an ad hoc National Committee on trade facilitation...
One of the most challenging experiences for businesses involved in cross bordertrade along Kenya’s border points is the clearance of imports and exports. Until 2015, the process of clearing cargo was largely...
Most business leaders in Malawi see the Malawi Trade Portal (MTP) as a step forward in the provision of public information via online platforms and the promotion of transparency in the delivery of public...
Albania’s authorized economic operators (AEO) program is not yet operational, even though the country has adopted the necessary European Union (EU) legal and regulatory frameworks. This smart lesson outlines...
Jamaica is taking steps to strengthen its trade environment as a way to improve the ease and ways of doing business and stimulate growth. In February 2015, Jamaica formed its National Committee on Trade...
In 2008, Morocco’s National Ports Agency launched a project to create a national single-window platform for Morocco’s foreign tr ade. The process was long and difficult, and its success is owing in large...
In 2015, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) conducted a border-crossing time-release study (TRS) at three points on the Belarus border. The joint team customized a standard survey...
Led by the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry, Zambia undertook a trade-facilitation needs assessment of its alignment with the articles of the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement...
Fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS) face specific socioeconomic and political challenges that hinder their ability to improve infrastructure anddrive economic growth. Implementation of public-private...
The World Bank Group in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, established the Health in Africa (HIA) Initiative in 2008. Its mission is to catalyze sustained improvements among the poor...
Since 2006, the IFC China Energy Efficiency Program (CHUEE) has been partnering with banks to help increase their loan portfolios for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) investments through...
A credit reporting system is an integral part of a well-functioning credit market. It reduces information asymmetries and helps increase access to credit. It also improves borrower discipline, lowers interest...
The 17 West and Central African countries in OHADA (Organization for Harmonization of Business Law in Africa) are proving that collective action is an effective way to address common economic challenges...
Lighting Asia and India is a market-transformation program that works with companies to develop the commercial market for modern off-grid solar lighting and other services for people in rural India without...
It is widely acknowledged that the World Bank Group will need to partner in a variety of innovative ways with the private sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among other things...
The national hospital insurance fund’s (NHIF) mandate by the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Kenya to implement universal health coverage (UHC) generated controversy among stakeholders. Prior allegations of...
Trade facilitation connects economies and provides opportunities for business growth. However, the national agencies involved in trade often have different objectives, lack coordination with peer agencies...