This press release announces that on April 25, 1997, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Empresa Electrica Pangue S.A. signed an agreement to address environmental and social issues from IFC's...
La Corporación Financiera Internacional (CFI) ha acordado invertir US$20 millones en Cerámica Zanón S.A., una empresa argentina que produce y exporta artefactos de porcelana para baño y cerámicas. Helmut...
La SFI a particulièrement aidé les entreprises de deuxième rang et les PME ayant un accès limité aux financements longs, comme l'entreprise brésilienne d'électroménager Mallory Limitada. Elle a approuvé...
This press release announces on December 17, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched a South African Rand (ZAR) bond issue amounting to ZAR 100 million (approximately US$21.1...
This press release announces on December 11, 1996, that Ms. Carol Lee, Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), will lead a delegation to Cambodia from December 8-11 and to Lao P.D.R...
This press release announces on December 10, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has signed an investment agreement to provide US$50 million to Refineria San Lorenzo S.A., a petroleum...
This press release announces on December 6, 1996 that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched a GRD 26.7 billion (approximately US$110 million) public offering of floating rate notes (FRN)...
This press release announces on December 5, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) signed a US$60 million investment agreement on November 25, 1996, with Grupo Minsa, S.A. de C.V., the...
This press release announces on December 4, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has signed an agreement to provide US$17 million in loans to Engro Paktank Terminal Limited for a US$65...
This press release announces on December 2, 1996, that Mr. Jannik Lindbaek, Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), will lead an IFC delegation to Central America from...
This press release announces on November 26, 1996, that on November 20, 1996, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched its fifth warrant issue, offering 1.25 million S&P 500 Index-linked put...
This press release announces on November 26, 1996, that on Friday, November 22, 1996, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched a pound sterling 60 million bond issue. The 2½-year fixed-rate...
This press release announces on November 21, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has signed an investment agreement to provide 41 million US dollars to P.T. Kalimantan Sanggar Pusaka...
This press release announces on November 12, 1996, that the Executive Vice President Jannik Lindbaek declared the promotion of Mr. Assaad Jabre to Vice President, Portfolio Management and Advisory Operations...
This press release announces on November 13, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) met with joint venture partners in Cairo to establish ORIX Leasing Egypt (OLE), the country's first leasing...
This press release announces on October 23, 1996, that the Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), will lead a delegation to Vietnam from October 28 to November 2, 1996...
This press release announces on October 29, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has signed an agreement to provide US$14.5 million in loans to San Miguel Haiphong Glass Company (SMHG)...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) launch of the Mekong Project Development Facility (MPDF) in Hanoi on October 29, 1996. The MPDF, managed by IFC and funded...
This press release announces that the Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), announced IFC's first investment in Vietnam's financial sector to establish Vietnam International...
This press release announces on October 25, 1996, that in Bangkok, Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), signed a revised agreement to purchase US$10 million of convertible...