The first volume of Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) series (IEG 2009) examined World Bank experience with the promotion of the most important win-win (no regrets) energy policies, policies that combine...
This evaluation assesses the performance of International Finance Corporations (IFC's) energy efficiency finance program in China aimed at stimulating energy efficiency investments through bank guarantees...
The amount of available water has been constant for millennia, but over time the planet has added 6 billion people. Water is essential to human life and enterprise, and the increasing strains on available...
The amount of available water has been constant for millennia, but over time the planet has added 6 billion people. Water is essential to human life and enterprise, and the increasing strains on available...
The goal of Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs), introduced in early 2001 under World Bank Interim guidelines, was to help countries implement comprehensive, country-owned development strategies...
This report summarizes the past 10 years (1998-2008) of World Bank engagement at the state level in four selected large federal countries: Brazil, India, Nigeria, and the Russian Federation. The report...
The amount of available water has been constant for millennia, but over time the planet has added 6 billion people. Water is essential to human life and enterprise, and the increasing strains on available...
The World Bank Group's (WBG) safeguards and sustainability policies were put in place to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts of its projects on people and the environment. These goals remain critical given...
Unabated, climate change could derail development, with a one in four chance of a six-degree Celsius hike in temperature this century. Although industrialized countries are historically responsible for...
This evaluation assesses the performance of International Finance Corporations (IFC's) energy efficiency finance program in China aimed at stimulating energy efficiency investments through bank guarantees...
This report summarizes the past 10 years (1998-2008) of World Bank engagement at the state level in four selected large federal countries: Brazil, India, Nigeria, and the Russian Federation. The report...