The Committee welcomed the early-stage evaluation of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Platforms Approach which was requested by the Board in 2022. Members acknowledged that the evaluation did...
The Budget Committee and the Committee on Development Effectiveness (the Committees) met to consider the IEG FY26 Work Program and Budget and FY27-28 Indicative Plan. The Committees expressed strong support...
The Committee welcomed the findings and implications of IEG’s early-stage evaluation of the Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA), which aim to help strengthen the effectiveness of the MPA. Members commended...
The Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) met to consider the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report entitled An Evaluation of World Bank and International Finance Corporation Engagement for...
The Committee welcomed the WBG Management Action Record (MAR) Report and IEG’s Validation Report for FY24. Members appreciated IEG and Management’s strong collaboration, acknowledged the MAR’s enhanced...
The Committee on Development Effectiveness met to consider the IEG’s report confronting the learning crisis - lessons from World Bank (WB) support for basic education, 2012-22: an independent evaluation...
The Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) met to consider the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report entitled Making Waves - World Bank Support for the Blue Economy (2012-2023), an Independent...
The Committee expressed support for IEG’s FY25 work program to deliver a total of ten thematic and corporate evaluations, the 2024 Results and Performance Report (RAP), the 2024 Management Action Record...
The Budget Committee and the Committee on Development Effectiveness (the Committees) met to consider the FY25 budget proposal and FY26-27 indicative budget for interim work program. The Committees were...
The Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE), open to all, met to consider the report entitled World Bank Group (WBG) Gender Strategy 2024-2030: Accelerate Gender Equality to end Poverty on a Livable...
The Committee welcomed the Report and noted that while limited in scope, Independent Evaluation Group’s (IEG’s) first-stage early assessment of World Bank support to jobs and labor market through International...
The Committee welcomed the update to the 2021 early-stage assessment and highly appreciated Independent Evaluation Group’s (IEG’s) efforts to offer, in a timely manner, valuable findings and recommendations...
The Committee welcomed the World Bank Group (WBG) Management Action Record (MAR) Report and Independent Evaluation Group (IEG’s) validation report and commended IEG and WBG Management for their collaborative...
The Committee welcomed the Independent Evaluation Groups (IEG’s) Validation Report on the World Bank Group’s (WBGs) 2018 capital increase package (CIP), deeming its findings and five lessons as relevant...
The Committee welcomed the timely and relevant report in the context of the evolution roadmap discussions on partnerships, Corporate Scorecard, and outcome orientation. It highlighted the importance of...
The Committee welcomed the Report noting its timeliness and relevance in the context of the World Bank Group (WBG) evolution discussion. They noted the WBG’s achievements and the challenges towards improving...
The Budget Committee and the Committee on Development Effectiveness (the Committees) met to consider the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) work program and budget (FY24) and indicative plan (FY25-26)...
The Committee on Development Effectiveness met to consider the IEG’s report World Bank Support for Domestic Revenue Mobilization: An Independent Evaluation (CODE2023-0017) and the World Bank Draft Management...