Creating more and better jobs is perhaps the most critical challenge to boosting shared prosperity in Europe and Central Asia (ECA). This report examines the role of reforms, firms, skills, incentives...
The pension and old age security systems that originated in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been effective in sharply reducing poverty rates among the elderly throughout Europe. However...
The pension and old age security systems that originated in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been effective in sharply reducing poverty rates among the elderly throughout Europe. However...
Creating more and better jobs is perhaps the most critical challenge to boosting shared prosperity in Europe and Central Asia (ECA). This report examines the role of reforms, firms, skills, incentives...
Creating more and better jobs is perhaps the most critical challenge to boosting shared prosperity in Europe and Central Asia (ECA). This report examines the role of reforms, firms, skills, incentives...
The cost of energy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as elsewhere, is an important policy issue, as shown by the concerns for energy affordability during the past harsh winter. Governments try to moderate...
In the first post-transition decade after the fall of communism, Europe and Central Asia (ECA) moved its economy from plan to market. In the second decade, the 2000s, it moved from social division to inclusion...
This study is designed to analyze the energy efficiency policies in seven countries that were successful in achieving low energy intensities or in reducing their energy intensity considerably. The study...
This report is about how to improve health system outcomes in countries in the ECA region. Its draws on a wealth of new evidence to explore the challenges facing health sectors in ECA. It highlights three...
Eurasian cities, unique in the global spatial landscape, were part of the world's largest experiment in urban development. The challenges they now face because of their history offer valuable lessons to...
This book builds on the lessons from public institutions and programs to support innovation, both successful and failed, from Europe and Central Asia (ECA) as well as China, Finland, Israel, and the United...
In many countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA), the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) does not support business competitiveness, though this is one of its functions in organization for...
Before the current economic crisis hit the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region in 2008, energy security was a major source of concern in Central and Eastern Europe and in many of the economies in the...
The climate is changing, and the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region is vulnerable to the consequences. Many of the region's countries are facing warmer temperatures, a changing hydrology, and...
In regard to migration and remittances for Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, the overview chapter summarizes the main findings that are developed in much greater detail in later chapters. The...
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the transition countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have witnessed dramatic changes in outputs, the nature of jobs, standards of living, patterns of...
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the transition countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have witnessed dramatic changes in outputs, the nature of jobs, standards of living, patterns of...
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the transition countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have witnessed dramatic changes in outputs, the nature of jobs, standards of living, patterns of...
This is the overview of the publication (See report 40532). This report focuses on the challenges that the region's aging countries will now face in having to deal with multiple transitions. It argues...
This report focuses on the challenges that the region's aging countries will now face in having to deal with multiple transitions. It argues that their task ahead, though uniquely daunting, is by no means...