A number of developing countries now use the services of international firms providing preshipment and inspection services for a variety of purposes. The draft OMS 2.43 on "Procurement in SALs and other...
Five years after the onset of the debt crisis, concern has arisen over the sustainability of the original financing strategy over the medium-term. One dimension of the problem that is being reexamined...
The heavily indebted middle income countries have been participating in external debt restructuring episodes for a number of years. This paper examines the trends in the debt servicing profiles, both in...
A key element in the resumption of sustainable growth for many developing countries currently facing balance of payment difficulties is the maintenance of a competitive real exchange rate. To give direction...
Much of the theoretical and academic literature on LDC debt restructuring has concentrated on analyzing the problem from the lenders' perspective. This paper seeks to identify and analyze factors influencing...
Rapidly increasing foreign debt and expansionary monetary policies have led to an unsustainable macroeconomic situation in Mali. This paper analyzes Mali's macroeconomic policies, and its impact on the...
In February, 1983, Venezuela ended the convertibility of the Bolivar and implemented multiple exchange rates, exchange controls, and import licensing as a means to rationing foreign exchange and encouraging...
Analyses of the individual franc zone countries of sub-Saharan Africa generally indicate that the real exchange rate adjustment that has taken place to date is not sufficient to be consistant with healthy...
This paper lays out an analytical framework which is general enough to encompass two prominent approaches to trade policy analysis in developing countries. These are (1) the Ramsey-Samuelson-Diamond-Mirrlees...
The paper outlines the deterioration in economic and social conditions that has recently occurred in many developing countries and examines the connections of economic adjustment to programs. The concept...
Throughout Africa the wage and employment practices of the public sector are often cited as a major source of distortion in the formal economy. While this view is maintained, little direct analysis, either...
Chile's oversized external liabilities and the impossibility of generating a more sizeable trade surplus without imposing intolerable social costs have led to a search for alternative ways to reduce the...
The recent developments of Argentina, Uruguay and Chile during the seventies, all of which pursued a liberalization of their markets, ended up in deep crashes during the early eighties. Mostly based on...
This book reviews recent research much of it supported by the World Bank-on the desirability of increasing the role of prices in financing and allocating educational and health services, usually the largest...
This is a first attempt at advancing some generalization about the Bank's analytical work on socialist economies. It is based on a very selective review of Bank work on socialist member countries, and...
This paper suggests a number of important policy issues for countries currently benefitting from the temporary coffee export boom. First and foremost among these policy concerns is the tendency of these...
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the Bank's involvement in assisting member countries to attract and benefit from direct private foreign investment, and to suggest a set of general principles within...
This paper is a preliminary report on a research project on "The Timing and Sequencing of a Trade Liberalization Policy," conducted by the CPD since the spring of 1984. While the superiority of free trade...
In recent years the World Bank has advised member countries on how they could improve their policies toward private foreign direct investment, by means of policy conditionality in adjustment lending as...
During the post World War II years, Peru's per capita income growth rates went down from around 3 percent during the 1960s and 1970s to 0.5 percent between 1970 and 1981. Since then, the average per-capita...