Bangladesh is among the World Bank's largest IDA-eligible borrowers, with a country portfolio of 21 active projects and net commitment of $1.9 billion as of FY08. The Bank's strategy has been to support...
This report evaluates International Development Association (IDA) support to Nepal during 2003-2008. IDA’s overarching goal during this period was to support the government’s efforts to reduce poverty...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank program in Georgia from 1993 to 2007. The CAE identifies three sub-periods (1993–97, 1998-2003, and 2004–07) that emerge...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) provides an independent assessment of World Bank assistance to Indonesia during the period 1999-2006. The CAE evaluates the Bank program in Indonesia against four...
This evaluation recommends that future Bank strategy in Ukraine should strive for greater selectivity, centered on public financial management, private sector development, energy, and social protection...
This report evaluates the International Development Association's (IDA's) support to Ethiopia during the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2006. The overarching goal of IDA during this period was to...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) provides an independent assessment of World Bank assistance to Mali during the period FY95-05. The CAE examines whether: (a) the objectives of Bank assistance were...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) report reviews the Bank's assistance strategy for Angola from FY91 to FY06. It sought to promote economic growth with equity, help address macroeconomic imbalances...
This report evaluates outcomes in the areas targeted by the World Bank's program in Nigeria from FY1999 - 2007. The Bank provided important assistance to the government of Nigeria. In spite of the relatively...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) reviews the Bank's assistance strategy for Madagascar for the period 1995-2005 (FY94-06). Overall, the objectives that the Bank has pursued can be grouped under...
This country assistance evaluation for Honduras covers the period FY95-05. The International Development Association (IDA) has played a major role in Honduras' development efforts over these years, not...
During the review period, the strategic objectives of Bank assistance in Yemen were: a) improved governance; b) ore attractive investment climate; c) better human capital; and d) ensuring sustainability...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) provides an independent assessment of World Bank assistance to Malawi during the period FY96-05. The CAE examines whether: (a) the objectives of Bank assistance...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) provides an independent assessment of World Bank program in Senegal from fiscal 1994 through fiscal 2004. The evaluation examines whether: (a) the objectives of...
This Country Assistance Evaluation for Pakistan needs a clear strategy and a defined program to support it. The Bank has recently been working with the government on supporting devolution to increase accountability...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank's assistance to Turkey during the period July 1, 1993, to June 30, 2004. It focuses on the objectives of that assistance...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank's assistance to Turkey during the period July 1, 1993, to June 30, 2004. It focuses on the objectives of that assistance...
This evaluation of the Bank's assistance program for Albania covers the period FY98 to FY04, and follows on previous evaluations for the 1992-1997 period. After the European Community, the Bank is the...
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank's assistance to Bolivia during the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2004.' It examines the relevance and realism of...
Esta Estrategia de asistencia al país (EAP) aborda los resultados de la ayuda prestada por el Banco Mundial a Bolivia entre el 1 de julio de 1998 y el 30 de junio de 2004. Analiza la pertinencia y el realismo...