In December 2022, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) redefined platforms as a mechanism for scaling new business development. This is an early-stage evaluation assessing IFC’s platforms approach...
The World Bank introduced the multiphase programmatic approach (MPA) in 2017 as a means of structuring a long, large, or complex engagement as a set of shorter linked projects or phases. This engagement...
This evaluation assesses the results, successes, and challenges of the World Bank 2016 procurement reform. Procurements acquire the works, goods, and services necessary to achieve the World Bank’s project...
Gender equality has been a high-level commitment of the World Bank Group for at least two decades. In its gender strategy for fiscal years 2016-23, the Bank Group committed to maximizing the impact of...
The private sector is essential for creating jobs and prosperity in poor countries, but developing it is challenging, especially in fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS). The IDA Private Sector...
This evaluation is the first stage of the Independent Evaluation Group’s assessment of the World Bank’s support for more, better, and more inclusive jobs through International Development Association (IDA)...
This report presents the Independent Evaluation Group’s validation of the World Bank Group’s 2018 capital increase package (CIP). It assesses the World Bank Group’s progress in implementing the CIP’s policy...
In March 2020, President Malpass announced a freeze on IFC’s direct investments and advisory services support to private for-profit K–12 schools and requested IEG “undertake an evaluation of IFC investments...
The World Bank aims to further expand and adjust its global footprint by the mid-2020s, especially in lower-income countries and those affected by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV). This first-of-its-kind...
IEG began preparing the evaluation in June 2020, in response to a request from the World Bank Group Board’s Committee on Development Effectiveness. In March 2021, IEG produced an Issues Paper identifying...
This evaluation provides an early-stage assessment of the Sustainable Development Finance Policy (SDFP) of the International Development Association (IDA), which went into effect July 1, 2020. A steep...
This Issues Paper draws together evidence and initial analysis to propose a foundation and testable lines of inquiry for the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness...
Disruptive and transformative technologies (DTT) have far-reaching implications for development. Traditional development models are being disrupted by the accelerating pace of technological change and...
The World Bank Group’s Gender Strategy (fiscal year [2016–23) presents gender equality as integral to smart development policy and posits that successful implementation of the strategy will help achieve...
The World Bank Group’s success rests on its ability to help its client countries achieve the development outcomes they desire. This demands a strong outcome orientation at the country-level, defined as...
This first-of-its-kind evaluation assesses the scope of the World Bank Group’s convening power and how effectively it is deployed. The report finds that the Bank Group’s comparative advantages give it...
This evaluation reviews how well the World Bank's operating model has enabled knowledge flow and enhanced collaboration to deliver integrated solutions. The evaluation also looks at the incentives and...
In recent years, the world has seen formidable manifestations of citizens’ engagement. By taking to the streets to condemn corruption scandals, by rallying on social media to address growing inequalities...
In recent years, the world has seen formidable manifestations of citizens’ engagement. By taking to the streets to condemn corruption scandals, by rallying on social media to address growing inequalities...