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  • Anticorruption in transition : who is succeeding...and why? (Inglés)

    There is no room for complacency, however. Corruption is not falling in all countries or all sectors, and even the most successful reformers still tend to have higher levels of firm-level corruption than...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 37089 Fecha del documento: 1 de junio de 2006 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Anderson,James,Gray,Cheryl W.

  • Anticorruption in transition : a contribution to the policy debate (Ruso)

    In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and the Commonwealth of Independent States, the simultaneous process of developing a market economy, designing new political and social institutions...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 20925 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 2004 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Anderson,James,Hellman,Joel,Jones,Geraint Paul,Moore,Bill,Muller,Helga W.,Pradhan,Sanjay,Ryterman,Randi Susan,Sutch,M. Helen

  • Anticorruption in transition : a contribution to the policy debate (Inglés)

    In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and the Commonwealth of Independent States, the simultaneous process of developing a market economy, designing new political and social institutions...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 20925 Fecha del documento: 30 de septiembre de 2000 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Anderson,James,Hellman,Joel,Jones,Geraint Paul,Moore,Bill,Muller,Helga W.,Pradhan,Sanjay,Ryterman,Randi Susan,Sutch,M. Helen