This report presents the insights obtained, organized around the confirmation (fact) or rebuttal (myth) of 16 frequently held perceptions. It is found that women do not contribute 60 to 80 percent of the...
Index insurance is commonly perceived to be complicated and difficult to evaluate. This is one reason index insurance products have not yet achieved high penetration in developing countries, despite their...
The purpose of this paper is to provide information on how to transform and strengthen pluralistic agricultural extension and advisory systems in moving toward the broader goal of increasing farm income...
The six case studies in this book were prepared as background studies for a synthesis report on land administration and reform in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Collectively they cover two main areas of land...
Agricultural water management (AWM) includes irrigation and drainage, water management in rain-fed agriculture, recycled water reuse, water and land conservation, and watershed management. AWM is essential...
This volume is a synthesis of a multicounty collaborative effort between the World Bank and the governments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. This effort built on the success of a similar effort in...
This study provides an overview of current and future bioenergy developments, describes the impacts related to poverty and the environment, assesses the opportunities and challenges, and outlines how future...
This study provides an overview of current and future bioenergy developments, describes the impacts related to poverty and the environment, assesses the opportunities and challenges, and outlines how future...
This volume presents a synthesis of the multi-country collaborative program of analytical and advisory activities titled reducing vulnerability to climate change in European and Central Asian (ECA) agricultural...
Women are often the primary users of land for residential and agricultural purposes, but are frequently denied primary and ownership rights to land and other natural resources because of cultural norms...
The objective of this report is to assess the usefulness of providing guidance for scaling up good practices in core ARD business lines, and to test the prospects for doing so. The output of the document...
The World development report 2010: development and climate change highlights the link between biotechnology, development, and environment. Aside from recognizing biotechnology's potential to improve crop...
To further develop and finalize the Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs) for scaling up to the Bank's entire fisheries portfolio, a number of specific pilots and case studies have been conducted. This...
An appropriate rural investment climate (RIC) is essential for rural businesses to be successful and generate employment and income in their communities. Improving the investment climate could facilitate...
This sourcebook is a joint project of the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The purpose of the...
The present study focuses on gender while analyzing the effects of the Rural Poverty Reduction Project (RPRP) on the use of time and income generation as well as on cultural and social capital aspects...
The present study focuses on gender while analyzing the effects of the Rural Poverty Reduction Project (RPRP) on the use of time and income generation as well as on cultural and social capital aspects...
Seventy-five percent of the world's poor live in rural areas and most are involved in agriculture. In the 21st century, agriculture remains fundamental to economic growth, poverty alleviation, and environmental...
This paper is a distillation of the findings of the work undertaken by the World Bank. It is deliberately not a collation of case studies, but rather a practical overview of the subject. The purpose of...
This report summarizes the findings of the study on Competitive Commercial Agriculture for Africa (CCAA). The objective of the CCAA study was to explore the feasibility of restoring international competitiveness...