Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Wielkopolska, which is most advanced in the transition out of coal. Finding viable job...
The global race to fund, develop, and acquire artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and start-ups is intensifying, with commercial uses for AI proliferating in advanced and emerging economies alike...
Although several studies have examined why overall price levels are higher in richer countries, little is known about whether there is a similar relationship at the urban and city level across countries...
To mark Energy Week 2011 at the World bank, and to consider the issue of rising oil prices, the Archives has chosen to highlight a drawing by Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski, created during the 1973-74 OPEC oil...
Prosperity from economic growth is not shared evenly among Russia's population and regions. Local communities and rural territories face serious development challenges: including poor living conditions...
Prosperity from economic growth is not shared evenly among Russia's population and regions. Local communities and rural territories face serious development challenges: including poor living conditions...
School health and nutrition (SHN) programs are critical for achieving education for all (EFA) as research has shown that improvements in health status contribute to improvements in learning and academic...
The Arab Spring and subsequent transitions provide opportunities for better governance, economies free of cronyism and more inclusive models of growth. Social Safety Nets (SSN) will be a key component...
In the first semester of 2011, 34 new transport projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closure in nine low- and middle-income countries, involving investment commitments (hereafter...
As the world begins to feel the effects of climate change, the frequency of droughts is increasing in the Horn of Africa. In Kenya, the drought and food crisis affect welfare through two main channels...
Despite the financial crisis, in the past four years foreign investment in microfinance, including both debt and equity, has quadrupled to reach US$13 billion. This growth has been driven as much by public...
Despite the financial crisis, in the past four years foreign investment in microfinance, including both debt and equity, has quadrupled to reach US$13 billion. This growth has been driven as much by public...
Despite the financial crisis, in the past four years foreign investment in microfinance, including both debt and equity, has quadrupled to reach US$13 billion. This growth has been driven as much by public...
The regional books that provided detailed estimates of distortion in developing economies are all country focused. While they include commodity details for their particular country, they are not able to...
Land reform can broadly be divided into land tenure reform-the establishment of secure and formalized property rights in land-and land redistribution-the transfer of land from large to small farmers. The...
On June 8, 1988, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number seventy one. The Council of Governors hereby resolves that: i) Slovenia is hereby reclassified...
The note looks at poverty in Ecuador, assessing macroeconomic developments through its policies to maintain stability with fiscal discipline, and increase economic productivity and competitiveness, in...
La nota estudia la pobreza en Ecuador, evaluando los desarrollos macroeconómicos a través de sus políticas para mantener la estabilidad y la disciplina fiscal y aumentar la productividad económica y la...
The Charcoal Emergency Project took place from January to June 1999 in the Tololar community, Posoltega, Nicaragua. The objective of the project was to "harvest" (or collect) the logs and trees that fell...
Indigenous knowledge and local initiatives are usually documented and disseminated by outsiders, who make their own interpretations in the process. Participatory Video (PV) provides an opportunity for...