One of the earliest loans to Kenya was the African Agriculture and Roads Project, approved on May 27, 1960. The first component of the project included completion of land consolidation and registration...
Cameroon’s high employment levels mask widespread precariousness and rural-urban inequality. Labor market vulnerability-either detachment or weak attachment-is particularly acute among youth (ages 15 to...
Digital financial services have progressed rapidly since the first mobile-money services in East Africa a decade ago. Their early success in Kenya and Tanzania sent telecom firms, banks, technology firms...
The collection of survey data from war zones or other unstable security situations is vulnerable to error because conflict often limits the implementation options. Although there are elevated risks throughout...
This brief summarizes the main findings from a new regional World Bank report, which outlines the current jobs challenge in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and discusses policies that can help countries...
Even though Sri Lanka is a fore-runner in many human development dimensions and aspects of gender equality amongst the South Asian countries, it is similar to other South Asian countries when it comes...
While many governments in the Arab world have undertaken some privatizations since the early 1990s, many retain surprisingly large portfolios of fully, majority, or minority state-owned enterprises (SOEs)...
New private activity in infrastructure in developing countries declined in the first semester of 2011, but remained strong and continued to be highly selective, according to data from the private participation...
The Doha Round of the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations has been ongoing for 10 years, and given political cycles in major countries, there is not much hope for a rapid conclusion. The topics...
This focus note posits that banking agents are an increasingly vital player in the push to offer financial services to the global poor. Agents, seen as extensions of the banking system, accomplish this...
This focus note posits that banking agents are an increasingly vital player in the push to offer financial services to the global poor. Agents, seen as extensions of the banking system, accomplish this...
This focus note posits that banking agents are an increasingly vital player in the push to offer financial services to the global poor. Agents, seen as extensions of the banking system, accomplish this...
This focus note posits that banking agents are an increasingly vital player in the push to offer financial services to the global poor. Agents, seen as extensions of the banking system, accomplish this...
Effectively educating all citizens is difficult in a geographically disperse and culturally heterogeneous country such as Mexico. How should Mexico educate the type of students who speak no Spanish, live...
Educar de manera eficiente a todos los ciudadanos es difícil en un país geográficamente disperso y culturalmente heterogéneo como México. ¿Cómo debería México educar a ese tipo de estudiantes que no habla...
In recent years, Europe and Central Asia (ECA) has seen the world's fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. The Balkans countries and territories under study - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia...
Realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for achieving universal primary education by 2015 in the world as a whole, and for Africa, in particular, requires concentrated attention on the Democratic...
On August 18, 2004, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Council of Governors adopted resolution number sixty-eight. It was resolved that: (i) the 2004 regular election of Directors should take...
This paper provides a historical overview of the role and framework of governance assessment in World Bank operations, as well as an informative, process oriented and technical description of the design...
During the workshop organized by traditional healers at the XIIIth International HIV/AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa in July 2000, the issue of the legal recognition and the legal status of this...