Whether individuals and job opportunities are well connected is a key determinant or productive urban labor markets. The overall level of job accessibility in a city depends on the locations of jobs and...
The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region has been experiencing a rapid demographic and epidemiological transition which has important health and economic consequences. Not only is the population aging...
Bangladesh is one of the world's poorest countries. Nearly 80 percent of the nation's 140 million people reside in rural areas; of these, 20 percent live in extreme poverty. Geographically, many low-lying...
Bad governance undermines development. Two important types of World Bank support for local governance are social funds and broadly based support for governments committed to decentralizing responsibility...
Bad governance undermines development. Two important types of World Bank support for local governance are social funds and broadly based support for governments committed to decentralizing responsibility...
The OED study found that the Second LivestockProject for Mauritania succeeded in establishing pastoral cooperative associations (PCAs), but was inconsistent over time in its approach to the organizations--moving...
El estudio del DEO comprobó que el Segundo Proyecto de Ganadería de Mauritania logró establecer asociaciones cooperativas de pastores, pero resultaron incoherentes con el tiempo en su enfoque de las organizaciones...
The OED study found that the Second LivestockProject for Mauritania succeeded in establishing pastoral cooperative associations (PCAs), but was inconsistent over time in its approach to the organizations--moving...
Argentina's natural gas industry was privatized at the end of 1992. Prior to divestiture, the state-owned monopoly Gas del Estado was divided into two transport and eight distribution companies, all of...
On March 23, 1995 International Development Association (IDA) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and eighty one. It was resolved that the terms and conditions upon which the Azerbaijan...
On July 22, 1992, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred eighty-one. It was resolved that, by accepting membership in the Corporation, the...
On June 20, 1963, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and eighty one. It was resolved that, resolution no. 161 of the...
This press release announces the Bank has granted a loan for 18.5 million US Dollars to India on April 18, 1950