Starting a business is a way for women to generate income and become more resilient when dealing with shocks. However, large gender gaps in formal entrepreneurship impede women’s livelihoods and global...
This book showcases the many ways in which the World Bank is pushing the medium-term sustainable development agenda forward while dealing with the pressing health emergency response and the economic and...
Shared prosperity is the World Bank’s second Twin Goal, introduced in 2013. It is defined as the growth in household per capita income or consumption of the poorest 40 percent of the population. The Global...
Uganda’s real GDP grew at 2.9 percent in FY20, less than half the 6.8 percent recorded in FY19, due to the effects of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis, and is expected to grow at a similar level in FY21...
Layer farming is an income-generating livelihood activity wherein egg-laying poultry birds are raised by a household for the purpose of egg production on a commercial scale. The few traditional rural producer...
While significant progress has been made in international tax cooperation, the interests of developing economies require greater priority and attention. This paper considers policy options that are currently...
Improving the efficiency and equity of public spending and strengthening revenue mobilization remains a priority in all Western Balkan countries. Public sector wage bills and pensions constitute the largest...
The pace and success of economic growth in the developing East Asia and Pacific region (EAP) has been described as nothing short of a miracle. Education and its complementarities are often linked and credited...
Carbon pricing is increasingly recognized as an important source of government revenue. Carbon revenues can be crucial in supporting cost-effective climate mitigation, industrial competitiveness and other...
Carbon pricing is increasingly recognized as an important source of government revenue. Carbon revenues can be crucial in supporting cost-effective climate mitigation, industrial competitiveness and other...
After the Arab Spring, the Government of Egypt was facing growing fiscal pressures. Energy was underpriced, fossil fuels subsidies had increased dramatically, and the government had built up arrears to...
Reforming wage bills can significantly impact a country’s fiscal outlook, public sector performance, the health of its labor market, and private sector development. The public sector represents an average...
This Note chronicles the Philippine’s experience in undertaking a national household targeting system—Listahanan—which has had two rounds of implementation since developed in 2007. Besides the main operational...
Will the revolution in digital and information technologies make us obsolete? Will jobs be lost and never replaced? Will wages drop to intolerable levels? History and economic theory and evidence suggest...
Much of Liberia’s infrastructure to generate, transmit, and distribute electric power was destroyed during 15 years of civil conflict. At the time the project was being prepared in 2009, most of the population...
This note provides guidance to investors and governments on good practice in occupational health and safety policies, programs, procedures and processes, a matter of critical importance given thathalf...
Tanzania has just entered a phase of growing dependency rates that will put pressure on job creation so that the larger number of dependents do not fall into poverty. However, the new millions of jobs...
This is a critical time for Kenya, as the incoming administrations at national and devolved levels face the high expectations of ordinary Kenyans to deliver on ambitious economic development agendas and...
A large and growing literature has argued that industrialized and developing countries behave very differently in relation to their fiscal policy stances over the business cycle. In this paper, the authors...
The Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) is recognized as a leading voice in the implementation of adaptive learning principles in development and in the transparency and accountability...