The COVID-19 crisis requires policy reforms on many fronts, from debt sustainability to climate-smart recovery. This Research & Policy brief draws on theory and empirical evidence to explore the opportunities...
This report analyzes the consequences for the labor force of Western Macedonia’s (Greece) decarbonization as part of Europe’s new Green Deal. Already, the region records the highest unemployment rate of...
The latest note examines the impact of a social enterprise's attempts to shorten the supply chain between farmers and small retail stores in Bogota, an idea that was one of the winners of the SME ideas...
Like most emerging markets, Peru suffers from low banking penetration and faces challengesto providing financial services. Beginning in 2015, a strategy called Modelo Peru emerged as acollaboration between...
Increasing access to basic infrastructure services is critical to reducing poverty and enabling poor and marginalized people to participate in and benefit from economic development. Too often, however...
On October 5 1947, U.S President Harry S. Truman announced the food conservation program in a radio and television address. This program was proposed by the Citizens Food Committee and was supported by...
This paper estimates slum residents' willingness to pay for formalized land tenure in Pune, India. In so doing, it offers evidence that the legal assurance of slum residents' occupancy of their lands could...
The Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region's relative advantage in gender equality compared to other regions eroded in the 1999-2009 period. As a result, the region now looks more similar to the rest of...
Human capital is the central determinant of economic well-being and social advancement in the modern global economy. The key characteristic that distinguishes between advanced economies, middle-income...
There is a growing consensus that what you export matters for growth (see for instance, Haussman and al. 2007 and Krishna and Maloney (2011)). This paper examines whether and to what extent Jordan and...
The report estimates Middle East and North Africa's (MENA's) infrastructure investment and maintenance needs through 2020 at 106 billion dollars per year or 6.9 percent of the annual regional gross domestic...
In 2010, eight new telecom projects with private participation reached financial or contractual closure in seven low and middle income countries. These projects involved investment commitments of US$4.2...
Understanding how to rebuild resilient states in post-conflict countries is an urgent priority for the international community. A new cross-country study of public financial management reforms in post-conflict...
While the issue has been hotly debated, this debate has suffered from two main weaknesses. On the one hand, there has been a dearth of rigorous empirical analysis of what is happening on the ground. On...
There is growing interest in using rail transit, trams, metros, light rail, to solve urban transportation problems, particularly road congestion and air pollution. In developing urban rail projects, a...
Online platforms are changing the way we engage with the world. Face book links, eBay auctions, ePal chats, even second life avatars-these are all online platforms that connect people, ideas, products...
Online platforms are changing the way we engage with the world. Face book links, eBay auctions, ePal chats, even second life avatars-these are all online platforms that connect people, ideas, products...
Online platforms are changing the way we engage with the world. Face book links, eBay auctions, ePal chats, even second life avatars-these are all online platforms that connect people, ideas, products...
Online platforms are changing the way we engage with the world. Face book links, eBay auctions, ePal chats, even second life avatars-these are all online platforms that connect people, ideas, products...
After stagnating for much of its postcolonial history, economic performance in Sub?Saharan Africa has markedly improved. Since 1995, average economic growth has been close to 5 percent per year. Has Africa...