A wide range of organizations operate at the interface between the demand for (e.g. water agencies or service providers) and the supply of finance (e.g. financing institutions and financiers at large)...
Reforms in the Lithuanian food and agriculture sector started rather early, parallel with the struggle for independence. The country initiated a transition program in the food and agriculture sector to...
This good practice note offers a step-by-step approach for Bank staff to assist Borrowers inestablishing third-party monitoring (TPM) for project implementation. The information may also be useful for...
The Democratic Republic of Congo has the third largest urban population in Sub-Saharan Africa (estimated at 43 percent in 2016) after South Africa and Nigeria. It is expected to grow at a rate of 4.1 percent...
Tehran, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), is located in the north of the country with a population of about 8.5 million. The population can reach over 12.5 million during the day, with...
This study, which focuses on three countries, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, is intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and cross-cutting understanding of the nature and magnitude of the agricultural...
This study, which focuses on three countries, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, is intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and cross-cutting understanding of the nature and magnitude of the agricultural...
Environmental degradation is costly, to individuals, to societies, and to the environment. This book, edited by Lelia Croitoru and Maria Sarraf, makes these costs clear by examining a number of studies...
The Democratic Republic of Congo has the third largest urban population in Sub-Saharan Africa (estimated at 43 percent in 2016) after South Africa and Nigeria. It is expected to grow at a rate of 4.1 percent...
Coastal areas are essential to Sri Lanka’s economic development, accounting for the highest concentration of population and economic activity. Sandy beaches, dunes, lagoons, estuaries, fresh water marshes...
This report updates previous studies that measured in economic terms the extent of biological losses attributable to overfishing globally. The new estimates assess these 'sunken billions' at 83 billion...
With rapid urbanization and an increasing number of publicly funded urban projects, there is a growing demand to address complex land acquisition and involuntary resettlement issues in urban settings...
This brochure aims to provide a short explanation of green finance to readers outside of the finance space. There is an abundance of literature on green finance, the role and importance of public and private...
The main objective of Post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) Environment is to prepare a recovery strategy that guides the restoration of environment and natural resources damaged due to a disaster. This...
The Congo Basin represents 70 percent of the African continent's forest cover and constitutes a large portion of Africa's biodiversity. The objective of the two-year exercise was to analyze and get a better...
Low-cost energy and other natural resources have played a key role in driving the Vietnamese economy over the past decades. Under the low-carbon development (LCD) scenario, Vietnam can achieve its Vietnam...
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh and one of the world’s rapidly growing megacities, is an urban hotspot for climate risks. Preparing for the unfolding impacts of climate-related changes – socio demographic...
Tourism provides a robust stream of revenues for the country, with benefits that reverberate widely through the economy. The sector generates the bulk of exports for the country. As a relatively labor-intensive...