Low- and middle-income country governments are increasingly tapping the global debt capital markets. This is increasing the amount of finance available for development, but at a considerably higher...
This issue of the Debt Management Facility (DMF) newsletter includes the following topics: (i) mark your calendars : DMF forum 2017; (ii) agence UMOA-Titres (AUT) joins DMF as a new IP; (iii) DMF activities...
This is the October 2016 edition of the Debt Management Facility (DMF) News. Topics covered in this twentieth fifth edition include the following: DeMPA methodology update, September 2016; announcing...
Subnational debt levels in developing countries are becoming increasingly significant as central governments continue to decentralize spending responsibilities, revenue-raising authority, and borrowing ...
The paper finds a moderate evolution in public debt ratios since debt relief among heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) and multilateral debt relief initiative (MDRI) recipient countries in Sub-Saharan...
The most severe impact of the Ebola epidemic, which began in Guinea in December 2013 and quickly spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone, has been in lost human lives and suffering. This report, prepared...
The World Bank has developed a program, in collaboration with other partners, to assist developing countries in improving debt management. The objective of the program is to help strengthen capacity...
The World Bank has developed a program, in collaboration with other partners, to assist developing countries in improving debt management. The objective of the program is to help strengthen capacity...
The World Bank has developed a program, in collaboration with other partners, to assist developing countries in improving debt management. The objective of the program is to help strengthen capacity...
The World Bank has developed a program, in collaboration with other partners, to assist developing countries in improving debt management. The objective of the program is to help strengthen capacity...
Despite the popularity of the term among advocates of debt forgiveness, there is little agreement on a workable definition of "odious" debts and there are but few examples where the concept has been...
The purpose of this discussion paper is modest: (i) examine the main features of the traditional concept and categories of odious debts, and briefly examine whether a rule allowing the repudiation of...