The road to universal health coverage (UHC) needs not be driven by big reforms that include the initiation of health insurance, provider–funder separation, results-based financing, or other large health...
This special issue on health financing in East and Sothern Africa comes at an opportune time. Economic growth in the region is contributing to a changing lifestyle and an increasing burden of noncommunicable...
This special issue examines government efforts that have been adopted since 2011 to address imminent health system challenges in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It attempts to capture some...
Health systems are not easy to benchmark, in part because the health sector produces more than one outcome. This paper offers two ways of benchmarking the health systems of countries in the Middle East...
In 1999, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia enacted a law that compels private employers to covernon-Saudi employees with health insurance. In the 16 years that followed, the health sector inthe Kingdom has seen...
The demographic dividend describes the interplay between changes in a population’s age structure due to the demographic transition and rapid economic growth. Except for a few countries in Southern Africa...
The demographic transition in the Sahel region has been slower than that in the rest of the world. Although child mortality rates have declined in recent decades, they are still higher in West Africa than...
Declines in child mortality, followed by declines in fertility, produce a youth bulge generation and a period when a country has a large number of working age people and a smaller number of dependents...
The demographic dividend describes the interplay between changes in a population’s age structure due to the demographic transition and rapid economic growth. Except for a few countries in Southern Africa...
Many countries around the world are moving toward universal health coverage, while navigating through periods of economic crisis. The impact of the economic downturn of 2008-09 on the health care sector...
The overwhelming evidence of inequalities in health outcomes and in the use of health services calculated and disseminated by the World Bank and other development agencies in the last 10 years has energized...
The overwhelming evidence of inequalities in health outcomes and in the use of health services calculated and disseminated by the World Bank and other development agencies in the last 10 years has energized...
While women in developing countries continue to die in large numbers in child birth, population and reproductive health specialists and advocates around the world are struggling to keep the policy agenda...
An analysis of the 1992-93 National Family and Health Survey (NFHS) revealed wide differences in levels, and distribution of childhood immunization between, and within Indian states. Evidence of total...
Each issue of this newsletter includes the following sections: Leadership Forum, Featured Reading, Event, Bulletin Board, Archives and information on newsletter subscription. The paper featured in the...
Los servicios de salud pueden contribuir considerablemente a mejorar las condiciones de salud de los grupos menos favorecidos. Sin embargo, tal como queda claro en este documento, los servicios de salud...
This development outreach newsletter includes some of the following headlines: special report: reaching the poor with health services. Vigilance, hope and hard work; by Abdo S. Yaazbeck and Davidson R...
Health services can make an important contribution to improved health conditions among disadvantaged groups. Yet as the contents of this volume make clear, the health services supported by governments...
Structural transformation of China's economy in the 1980s and its impact on the health sector created a critical need for skills and research capacity in health economics and financing. In 1989 the Government...
The richness of the research papers in this volume makes it difficult to quickly capture the main themes and implications of their research. But three repeated themes can be highlighted: equality of public...