In Addis Ababa, an increasing block tariff has been used to calculate households' monthly bills for electricity and water services. This study estimates the magnitudes of the combined water and electricity...
It is often argued that the true benefits of water resource development in international river basins are undermined by a lack of consideration of interdependence in water resource planning. Yet it has...
This paper summarizes the results of the Ganges Strategic Basin Assessment (SBA), a 3-year, multi-disciplinary effort undertaken by a World Bank team in cooperation with several leading regional research...
This issue of the World Bank research observer contains the following articles: the odds of achieving the MDGs; the challenges of bankruptcy reform; school feeding programs and development: are we framing...
As the use of payments for environmental services (PES) programs for conservation has grown in developing countries, the use of stated preference methods, particularly contingent valuation (CV) surveys...
This issue includes the following : Ideas and innovation in East Asia, by Milan Brahmghatt and Albert Hu. Impact assessments in finance and private sector development : what have we learned and what should...
Economic and epidemiological data collected in Beira, Mozambique, are used to conduct this first social cost-benefit analysis for cholera vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa. The analysis compares the net...
This issue includes the following: dollar a day revisited, by Martin Ravallion, Shaohua Chen, and Prem Sangraula; evidence on changes in aid allocation criteria, by Stijn Claessens, Danny Cassimon, and...
Cooperative management, and development of Africa's international rivers holds real promise for greater sustainability, and productivity of the continent's increasingly scarce water resources, and fragile...
The authors measure the monetary value households place on preventing malaria in Tembien, Tigray Region, Ethiopia. They estimate a household demand function for a hypothetical malaria vaccine and compute...
Through a survey the authors study willingness to pay for improvements in air quality in Sofia, Bulgaria. Using a stochastic payment car approach - asking respondents the likelihood that they would agree...
This report, Urban sewer planning in developing countries and the neighborhood deal : a case study of Semarang, Indonesia, includes a feasibility study which was conducted to test a contingent valuation...
This report describes the results of a large contingent valuation survey conducted in Kumasi, Ghana, to estimate households' willingness to pay for two types of improved sanitation services: Kumasi ventilated...
The World Bank has been placing increasing emphasis on rural areas in its lending in the water sector. Considering all World Bank expenditures on water supply, the proportion of funds allocated to rural...
This paper presents a framework for the analysis of rent seeking in water supply and case study of water vending in a large metropolitan area in a developing country such as in Jakarta, Indonesia. The...
This paper presents two procedures for estimating the value that households assign to the time they spend collecting water. Both approaches are used to derive estimates of the value of time spent collecting...