The information and communication technology (ICT) is transforming interactions between people, governments, and firms worldwide. In developing countries, farmers receive updated crop prices and public...
La tarea de aproximar la gestión del espectro de radio a los mercados es una cuestión pendiente desde hace mucho tiempo. El espectro de radio es un componente principal de la infraestructura que sustenta...
The radio spectrum is a major component of the infrastructure that underpins the information society. Spectrum management, however, has not kept up with major changes in technology, business practice...
The book offers a realistic assessment of experiences, trends, and outlook on the Information, Communications Technology (ICT) sector, with a focus on actual results and justified expectations. It attempts...
The book offers a realistic assessment of experiences, trends, and outlook on the Information, Communications Technology (ICT) sector, with a focus on actual results and justified expectations. It attempts...
The U.S.-Mexico case (2002-04) was the first (and so far only) case of World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute resolution on telecommunications services and the first on services only. The findings of the...
The radio spectrum is a major component of the telecommunications infrastructure that underpins the information society. Spectrum management, however, has not kept up with major changes in technology...
The radio spectrum is a major component of the telecommunications infrastructure that underpins the information society. Wireless technologies are used by new entrants to develop own networks and by incumbents...
The U.S.-Mexico case is the first (and so far only) case of World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute resolution on telecommunications services and the first on services generally. The findings of the Panel...
Competition is the cornerstone of successful telecommunications development. Morocco's telecommunications reforms in 1995-1999, which among other changes introduced competition in mobile phones, led to...
This paper presents the case that opening international voice communication to competition is key to reform the telecommunications sector, is sustainable in developing countries, and results in major gains...
For at least a decade, governments and non-profit organizations, often supported by bilateral aid, have experimented with tele-centers as means to extend access to computers, the Internet, and other information...
Knowledge has always been central to development. It is necessary for markets and governments to function, for the process of innovation, and for the application of new ideas. The green revolution that...
The study documents, and reviews the Chilean experience in rural telecommunications, by focusing on the principles, practical organization, basic design, and outstanding issues for extension of a more...
Competitive markets go a long way toward making telecommunications services available throughout the population. But governments often seek to extend access to services beyond what the private sector will...
Protecting minority shareholders in closely held firms, by Chad Leechor. Reviving the market for corporate control, by Chad Leechor. Innovations in bankruptcy - prioritizing creditors using option markets...
The restructuring and privatization of the U.K. electricity supply - was it worth it? by David M. Newbery and Michael G. Pollitt. A retrospective on the Mexican toll road program (1989-94), by Jeff Ruster...
Chile's telecommunications market is one of the most open and competitive in the world. Nevertheless, about 10 percent of all Chileans that live in localities do not even have a public telephone. To increase...
From 1989 to 1994 the government of Mexico carried out a major restructuring of the telecommunications sector. This paper gives a concise overview of the context, issues, and options of telecommunications...
This revised edition: (a) reviews the available evidence on the role of telecommunications in economic development; (b) outlines the principles and techniques of economic analysis that can be used in allocating...