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  • Mobility and Development : Innovations, Policies and Practices (Inglés)

    The traditional approach to valuing the benefits of transport investments overlooks their wider economic impacts. Traditional cost-benefit analysis of road projects focuses on estimating the value of time...

    Tipo de documento: Informe Número del informe: 170304 Fecha del documento: 31 de marzo de 2022 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Watkins,Kara Suzanne,Foster,Vivien,Lebrand,Mathilde Sylvie Maria,Jen JungEun Oh,Pimhidzai,Obert,Niu,Chiyu,Morales Sarriera,Javier

  • Global Scaling up Handwashing Project : progress report (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010) (Inglés)

    Global scaling up handwashing is a Water and Sanitation (WSP) project focused on applying innovative behavior-change approaches to improve handwashing with soap behavior among women of reproductive age...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 58346 Fecha del documento: 30 de junio de 2010 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Amelink,Catherine,Briceno,Bertha,Coombes,Yolande,Devine,Jacqueline,Frischmuth,Christiane,Grossman, Amy,Koita,Seydou Nourou,Kullmann,Craig Phillip,Nguyen, Minh Thi,Nguyen,Nga Kim,Orsola Vidal,Alexandra,Paynter,Nathaniel,Perez, Eduardo,Peschiera, Rocio Florez,Pyne,Hnin Hnin,Watkins,Kara Suzanne