This Note chronicles the Philippine’s experience in undertaking a national household targeting system—Listahanan—which has had two rounds of implementation since developed in 2007. Besides the main operational...
This report was prepared to make an inventory of key social protection (SP) programs (over 60) in the Philippines, with the main objective to inform the ongoing review of the country SP Framework and to...
The Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens (Socpen) was set up by the Department of Social Welfare and Development in 2010 to extend additional financial assistance to poor elderly Filipinos and help...
Around the globe, there is an unending cycle of producing innovative policies that are relevantand responsive to today's complex problems of disaster risk reduction and mitigation. A lot ofevidence is...
The first Social Protection and Labor (SPL) Programmatic Analytical and Advisory Assistance (PAAA) in FY2012-14 successfully solidified the Bank’s role as the Government’s partner of choice in delivering...
The first Social Protection and Labor (SPL) Programmatic Analytical and Advisory Assistance(PAAA) in FY2012-14 successfully solidified the Bank’s role as the Government’s partner of choicein delivering...
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Pantawid Pamilya) is the Philippines’ national conditional cash transfer (CCT) program. The program provides cash grants to poor households that have limited capacity...
This note discusses two of the Philippines' biggest social assistance programs the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, the government's first conditional cash transfer (CCT) program, and the rice subsidy...
This policy note presents the potential poverty impacts of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Pantawid Pamilya) using simple analytical tools and the government's largest database of poor households...