This paper examines the dynamics of poverty in Bhutan between 2017 and 2022, utilizing cross-sectional data from the Bhutan Living Standards Surveys. The paper constructs synthetic panels and estimates...
This paper presents a unified analytical framework to organize and review the literature on consumption-based poverty measurement, with a focus on establishing absolute poverty lines. Based on this framework...
Measuring poverty entails making interpersonal welfare comparisons, that should account for differences in prices faced by households, both over time and across space. This paper investigates the impact...
Extreme values are common in survey data and represent a recurring threat to the reliability of both poverty and inequality estimates. The adoption of a consistent criterion for outlier detection is useful...
It has been 20 years since Angus Deaton and Salman Zaidi's Guidelines for Constructing consumption aggregates for welfare Analysis first appeared. The paper was conceived as a how-to guide for practitioners...
The Maldives national bureau of statistics (NBS) undertook a household income and expenditure survey (HIES) in 2016. The latest round of HIES in the Maldives (with other rounds conducted in 2003 and 2009-10)...
The paper focuses on durable goods and their role in the measurement of living standards. The paper reviews the theoretical underpinnings of the methods available to estimate the value of the services...
The paper focuses on durable goods and their role in the measurement of living standards. The paper reviews the theoretical underpinnings of the methods available to estimate the value of the services...
This book is a collection of essays that seeks to answer three interrelated sets of questions about Africa's recent growth recovery. The first set of essays addresses questions about the drivers and durability...
The paper examines changes in poverty and inequality in Madagascar between the years 2001 and 2005. During this period Madagascar's economic progress has been notable. Yet the record for poverty and living...
This paper quantifies the extent and the main characteristics of child work in Italy during the years 1881-1961. From population censuses, author created a new database of the economically active population...
In this paper the authors estimate the effect of a rise in petroleum prices on living standards in Madagascar combining information on expenditure patterns from the Enquete Aupres des Menages 2005 with...