Women in rural areas, and in particular female farmers, have significantly less access to financial services than their male counterparts. Such limited access is harmful to female farmers and their families...
The purpose of this diagnostic report is to establish an analytical basis for defining strategic priorities in agriculture and rural development in Croatia, as the country prepares its National Agriculture...
Agriculture remains economically and socially important in Vietnam despite agriculture’s declining share of gross domestic product (GDP). The share of primary agricultural activity in the GDP has fallen...
Agricultural insurance, defined here to include crop and livestock insurance, is an instrument of choice in many countries for helping farmers and rural communities cope with risk. This paper explores...
This note aims at analyzing lessons learned from matching grants projects for farmers and agricultural SMEs and providing guidance to TTLs on successful design. It is part of a series of agriculture finance...
This note has been prepared to provide practical advice and guidance to World Bank task teams, clients, and donor partners who are contemplating support to partial credit guarantee (PCG) schemes in order...
In most emerging markets, the lack of acceptable collateral is often cited as a key constraint on the provision of credit to agriculture. Three main types of collateral are typically used to finance agriculture:...
The 2014 financial inclusion action plan (FIAP) developed by the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) highlighted ten action areas that were most important to advancing financial inclusion...
World Bank Group's Global Index Insurance Facility and ILO's Impact Insurance Facility jointly published a paper entitled 'when and how should agricultural insurance be subsidized? Issue and good practices'...
The percentage of smallholders with access to finance is equally difficult to quantify. According to estimates, even promising approaches to expanding smallholder lending, such as value chain finance...
The percentage of smallholders with access to finance is equally difficult to quantify. According to estimates, even promising approaches to expanding smallholder lending, such as value chain finance...
This report is organized into three main sections. Section one sets out the context by describing the particular challenges and opportunities related to financing agriculture, followed by defining the...
How have the world's poorest fared since the early 1980s? ; by Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion. Much ado about nothing? Do domestic firms really benefit from foreign direct investment ?; by Holger Gorg...
Over the past dozen years, policymakers have largely abandoned long-standing popular approaches for addressing risk in agriculture without fully resolving the question of how best to manage the negative...
Since the early 1980s, dramatic changes in export commodity markets, shocks associated with resulting price declines, and changing views on the role of the state have ushered in widespread reforms to agricultural...
Current coffee prices are at record lows and below the cost of production for many producers in Central America. Moreover, the coffee crisis is structural, and changes in supply and demand do not indicate...
Los precios actuales del café se encuentran en mínimos históricos y por debajo del costo de producción para muchos productores en América Central. Por otra parte, la crisis del café es de carácter estructural...
With the current crisis in the coffee market, the potential to make coffee production, processing, and marketing more sustainable has attracted the attention of coffee market experts, national governments...
Poor households in rural areas are particularly vulnerable to risks that reduce incomes and increase expenditures. Most past research has focused on risk-coping strategies for the rural poor, specially...
The authors review the historical relationship between the work of applied economists, and policymakers, and the institutions that came to characterize the commodity, and risk markets of the 1980s. These...