Weather-related shocks and climate variability contribute to hampering progress toward poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa. Droughts have a direct impact on weather-dependent livelihood means and the...
Increasing public finances resilience to disaster risk is part of priority 3 of the 2015-2030 Sendai framework for disaster risk management and the operational framework in disaster risk management developed...
In recent years, the international community has increasingly recognized the relevance of disaster risk financing in the global agenda of disaster risk management (DRM). To the same extent, the disaster...
Central America is undergoing an important transition, with urban populations increasing at accelerated speeds, bringing pressing challenges as well as opportunities to boost sustained, inclusive and resilient...
This report analyzes export competitiveness in the Dominican Republic drawing from the Trade Competitiveness Diagnostic methodology (Farole and Reis, 2012). Dominican exports fare well in terms of performance...
This report analyzes export competitiveness in the Dominican Republic drawing from the Trade Competitiveness Diagnostic methodology (Farole and Reis, 2012). Dominican exports fare well in terms of performance...
This policy note uses a comprehensive definition of equity which implies that citizens should have equal access to opportunities, to live with dignity and have autonomy and the opportunity to participate...