This study reports results from a randomized evaluation of a mandatory six-month Internet-based sexual education course implemented across public junior high schools in 21 Colombian cities. Six months...
Two commonly-used metrics for assessing progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) involve assessing citizens’ rights to health care and counting the number of people in a financial protection scheme...
Los servicios de salud pueden contribuir considerablemente a mejorar las condiciones de salud de los grupos menos favorecidos. Sin embargo, tal como queda claro en este documento, los servicios de salud...
This study analyzes the targeting performance of three public nutritional programs for children in Peru : the Vaso de Leche (VL - glass of milk), the School Breakfast (SB) and an aggregate of programs...
Health services can make an important contribution to improved health conditions among disadvantaged groups. Yet as the contents of this volume make clear, the health services supported by governments...