The costs of meeting the SDG WASH targets will be several times higher than investment levels during the MDG era (2000–15). The immense scale of the financing gap calls for innovative solutions. In addition...
Over the last decade, Kenya has experimented with different ways of using blended finance to leverage commercial financing from domestic banks. Many such efforts have focused onusing Output-Based Aid (OBA)...
To support a local water conservation project, the Municipality of Tlalnepantla de Baz (Mexico) and its Municipal Water Company (OPDM) issued unsecured revenue bondson the local capital market through...
Following decentralization in Colombia during the 1980s, many municipalities faced challenges accessing finance for development projects, having had little or no previous experience borrowing long-term...
To address vital wastewater infrastructure needs, the Municipality of Rustenburg created the Rustenburg Water Services Trust (RWST) to finance and upgrade infrastructure. The Trust secured revenues from...
A blended financial package was put in place to finance the expansion ofthe As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant. The projectwas undertaken by the Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Company Limited (SPC)...
Results-Based Financing (RBF) refers to a broad family of financial instruments. With RBF, public funding is provided only if pre-specified results have been achieved. Its use in the sanitation sector...
Output-Based Aid (OBA) ties the disbursement of public funding to the achievement of clearly specified results that directly support improved access to basic services. OBA has emerged as an important way...
Output-Based Aid (OBA) ties the disbursement of public funding to the achievement of clearly specified results that directly support improved access to basic services. OBA has emerged as an important way...
La ayuda basada en los resultados (OBA) vincula el desembolso de fondos públicos con el logro de resultados claramente especificados que apoyan directamente el acceso mejorado a servicios básicos. La OBA...
Sanitation services are beneficial for communities at large. They generate strong positive health and environmental benefits to society ('externalities'). Public financing is an important way to stimulate...
The present study offers evidence on alternative financing approaches for on-site household sanitation from case studies in six countries: Bangladesh, Ecuador, India, Mozambique, Senegal, and Vietnam...
This publication results from the support to the African Forum for Utility Regulators (AFUR) by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). This current collection is based on papers jointly...
This note seeks to assist policy makers and regulators in identifying what they can do to modify the existing regulatory framework or to implement it in a way that is particularly favorable to poor customers...
This paper aims to provide practical guidance on how to evaluate regulatory arrangements and adapt them to be more conducive to expanding access and improving service to poor customers. It discusses output-based...
This guidance manual and the accompanying modules and financial models are an output of phase two of the Town Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (TWSSI). Together they comprise volume 2 of the TWSSI...
In C?e d'Ivoire and Senegal water service is provided by privately operated national water utilities operating under enhanced lease contracts. While the national operators have performed relatively well...
In 1997 Gabon awarded the first real concession in Africa, under a contract that introduced coverage targets for expanding service to previously unconnected rural areas. SEEG, the new concessionaire, offers...
Private infrastructure: private activity fell by 30 percent in 1999; by Ada Karina Izaguirre and Geetha Rao. Private infrastructure: are the trends in low-income countries different? ; by Melissa Houskamp...