With international production fragmentation, countries specialize in activities along the production chain rather than particular products. This paper therefore analyzes export diversification taking an...
What is the potential for job growth in Africa under participation in global value chains (GVCs)? In this study the concept of GVC jobs is introduced which tracks the number of jobs associated with GVC...
Increasing fragmentation of production across borders is changing the nature of international competition. As a result, conventional indicators of competitiveness based on gross exports are becoming less...
The main aim of this report is to develop a new productivity adjustment for government services’ PPPs along the lines of the approach in ICP 2005. We start from the same production function framework but...
Included in this issue: Interview with the President of Islamic Development Bank (IDB). International and regional inflation. An output method for education purchasing power parties (PPPs). Dikhanov tables...
Included in this issue: In praise of purchasing power parties (PPP) comparisons. Remarks of International Comparison Program (ICP) anniversary Interviews Alan Hestoland Robert summers. What have we learnt...
Included in this issue: In praise of purchasing power parties (PPP) comparisons. Remarks of International Comparison Program (ICP) anniversary Interviews Alan Hestoland Robert summers. What have we learnt...
Included in this issue: In praise of purchasing power parties (PPP) comparisons. Remarks of International Comparison Program (ICP) anniversary Interviews Alan Hestoland Robert summers. What have we learnt...
En este número: Elogio de la comparación de la paridad de poder adquisitivo (PPA). Reflexiones con ocasión del aniversario del Programa de Comparación Internacional (PCI). Entrevista a Alan Heston y Robert...
From its inception, the Penn World Tables (PWT), building on the International Comparisons Program (ICP) of the United Nations, has sought to compare the standard of living of individuals in different...