Governments are worried that increased health workforce mobility could deplete human resources in the public health sector and in medical faculties, lead to staff shortages at home, and a loss of returns...
Taxes on SSB are an increasingly popular fiscal policy for health. This brief summarizes the latest evidence on SSB tax implementation and effectiveness to support governments who are considering, or are...
This evidence review is designed to support policy makers seeking to implement a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB). It synthesizes the latest global evidence of effectiveness of SSB taxes and summarizes...
Implementing governments need to be prepared to face considerable opposition in introducing and defending a new sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax. Arguments against SSB taxes tend to closely mirror those...
Papua New Guinea’s economy continues to face economic headwinds resulting from global and domestic economic uncertainties. PNG’s real GDP, despite rebounding to 5.6 percent in 2019, is expected to fall...
The rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), if not stopped, threatens to plunge humanity back into an era of health uncertainty few people alive today can remember. AMR does not follow national borders;...
More than 20 percent of children under the age of 5 in Tajikistan are stunted. A large literature finds that stunting and undernutrition in early childhood are commonly the result of several contributing...
Madagascar remains among the poorest countries in the world, and has shown little improvement in indicators of the well-being of its population over recent years. The economy faces an array of challenges...
Madagascar remains among the poorest countries in the world, and has shown little improvement in indicators of the well-being of its population over recent years. The economy faces an array of challenges...
Madagascar remains among the poorest countries in the world, and has shown little improvement in indicators of the well-being of its population over recent years. The economy faces an array of challenges...
Madagascar remains among the poorest countries in the world, and has shown little improvement in indicators of the well-being of its population over recent years. The economy faces an array of challenges...