Globalization brings opportunities and pressures for domestic firms in emerging markets to innovate and improve their competitive position. Using data on firms in 27 transition economies, the authors test...
This policy note reviews the literature on the effects of minimum wages on labor markets in developing countries. The authors begin by elucidating the challenges to ascertaining these effects, especially...
Using 2005 firm level data for 26 countries in Eastern and Central Europe, this paper estimates performance gaps between male and female-owned businesses, while controlling for location by industry and...
In this issue: The Role of Institutions and Efficiency in Ukraine. Democracy Promotion in Ukraine: the Role of the EU. The Ukrainian Labor Market in Transition. Donetsk: A Powerful Business Empire. Economic...
In this issue: The Role of Institutions and Efficiency in Ukraine. Democracy Promotion in Ukraine: the Role of the EU. The Ukrainian Labor Market in Transition. Donetsk: A Powerful Business Empire. Economic...