This report on the social dimensions of climate change in Indonesia provides a people-centered analysis of climate impacts and policies and puts local communities and governance systems at the heart of...
The Word Bank’s South Asia Region Gender Innovation Lab has conducted an evidence review of findings from women’s economic empowerment (WEE) interventions with direct measures of intimate partner violence...
The World Bank’s South Asia Region Gender Innovation Lab has conducted an evidence review of findings on economic empowerment interventions with direct measures of child marriage (CM) in South Asia (SAR)...
This paper examines the impact of return migration from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf on the transfer of gender norms to the Indian state of Kerala. Migration to countries in the Middle East has led to significant...
This study documents the labor market outcomes and time-use patterns of women in urban Bangladesh. Using survey data collected in 2018 in low-income neighborhoods of Dhaka, the paper finds that women with...
Evaluating service delivery needs in data-poor environments presents a particularly difficult problem for policymakers. The places where the need for social services are most acute are often the very same...
This brief uses the administrative database of Pakistan’s largest online job platform and an online COVID-19 survey to examine the gender impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on labor markets and other well-being...
Public spaces can be an instrument to increase social cohesion, yet they are often underutilized. This paper presents findings from a randomized virtual reality experiment with more than 2,000 participants...
This note examines gender disparities in care work and intra-household tensions among online gig workers in India. The data was collected as part of an online experiment in April 2020, shortly after lockdown...