Accurate and comprehensive measurement of household livelihoods is critical for monitoring progress toward poverty alleviation and targeting social assistance programs for those who most need it. However...
This paper examines the impact of livelihood diversification on food insecurity amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis uses household panel data from Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria in which the first...
The availability of weather data from remotely sensed Earth observation data has reduced the cost of including weather variables in econometric models. Weather variables are common instrumental variables...
This paper addresses the challenge of missing crop yield data in large-scale agricultural surveys, where crop-cutting, the most accurate method for yield measurement, is often limited due to cost constraints...
Accurate poverty measurement relies on household consumption data, but such data are often inadequate, outdated, or display inconsistencies over time in poorer countries. To address these data challenges...
This guidance note provides recommendations on how to operationalize methodological advances for indicators related to women’s economic empowerment in survey design and implementation, focusing on three...
This paper estimates the profitability of inorganic fertilizer use in maize production in Malawi. It employs a two-wave, nationally representative panel of data on smallholder households and plots to estimate...
In June 2020, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), in collaboration with the World Bank, officially launched the Uganda High Frequency Phone Survey (UHFPS) to track the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic...
Since 2020, many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have experienced disruptions to agricultural activities due to the adverse effects of multiple global crises. Notably, the Russian invasion of Ukraine caused...
Understanding men’s and women’s time use is a key factor in addressing issues and formulating policies related to division of labor, domestic work, and related gender disparities. However, obtaining data...
In June 2020, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), with the support from the World Bank, officially launched the Uganda high frequency phone survey (UHFPS) to track the impacts of the Coronavirus disease...
Cette note d'orientation fournit des recommandations sur la manière d'opérationnaliser les avancées méthodologiques pour les indicateurs liés à l'autonomisation économique des femmes dans la conception...