This paper measures the size of automatic fiscal revenue stabilizers and evaluates their role in Latin America. It introduces a relatively rich tax structure into a dynamic, stochastic, multi-sector small...
This paper develops a dynamic intertemporal general equilibrium model of a small open economy that incorporates and endogenizes human development and also various indicators of social progress. The model...
This paper develops a perfect foresight dynamic intertemporal general equilibrium model of the world economy to study the nature of the short-run adjustment process and the likely quantitative impacts...
For the evaluation of macroeconomic policies Colombian authorities rely heavily, if not exclusively, on the operational framework known as the Financial Programming Model developed by the International...
In recent years, various Latin American governments have resorted to taxes on bank debits and financial transactions as alternative ways of raising revenue. Considerable interest has developed in understanding...
Beginning in the 1980s, but especially during the 1990s, Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries launched trade policy reforms that remain controversial partly due to the mixed overall economic performance...
Este documento examina las tendencias principales en la estructura comercial de los países centroamericanos durante las últimas dos décadas, el papel cada vez más importante de EE. UU. como principal socio...