There is growing awareness that actions by policymakers and international organizations to reduce poverty, and those to mitigate and adapt to climate change, are inextricably linked and interwoven. This...
This paper assembles data at the all-India level and for the village of Palanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to document the growing importance, and influence, of the non-farm sector in the rural economy between the...
There are two pillars that form the basis of a sound strategy of development. They are the pillars of: 1) creating a good climate for investment and productivity growth, and 2) empowering people including...
Global finance and regulation - the new regulatory models for financial security; by Frederic Gielen. Investment climate assessment; by Nicholas Stern. The International Financial Society in brief. The...
Presenting the proceedings of the May 2003 World Bank Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), the volume imparts new research findings and discussions on key policy issues related to poverty...
Contents: Iraq is a transition economy of the Middle East. The task is to transform the economy-dominated by central planning, price controls, and extensive state ownership-into a genuine market economy...
Las conferencias de esta colección, todas dictadas desde que Nicholas Stern llegó a ser economista en jefe del Banco Mundial en julio de 2000, reflejan ideas que él ha venido recopilando en más de tres...
This book is about a collection of speeches delivered since Nicholas Stern became Chief Economist of the World Bank in July 2000. They reflect insights that Mr. Stern has gained over more than three decades...
The Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics is a forum for discussion, and debate of important policy issues facing developing countries. This report for 2001-2002 focuses on two main themes...
This paper has focused on more targeted micro interventions to fight poverty. But the battle against poverty is not a skirmish off to one flank; instead, it must be at the heart of the campaign for development...
During the last twenty years, China has seen the most remarkable period of economic growth in modern times. There is cause for celebration, but there are also new challenges. China's very success has propelled...
The authors investigate the understanding of the relationships among markets, governance, and institutions. Techniques of empirical analysis and the availability of data have advanced dramatically; one...
This volume contains two comments on Jefferson and Rawski's "How Industrial Reform Worked in China: the Role of Innovation, Competition, and Property Rights," followed by a floor discussion summary. The...
World Bank conference helps develop development economics. Development issues in a changing world - excerpts from Michael Bruno's keynote address. How to stabilize - policy lessons from early reformers...
The meaning and identification of poverty are examined using three indicators of standard of living in the North Indian village of Palanpur. The first is intended as a measure of "apparent prosperity"...
Comparing poverty rates internationally: lessons from recent studies in developed countries. Poverty in Palanpur. Measuring changes in poverty: a methodological case study of Indonesia during an adjustment...