The paper opens with brief examinations of the process of agricultural extension, and the different forms of publicly provided extension services. An extensive review of the common ways of organizing extension...
Dairy development is an important component of strategies to expand agricultural output in many developing countries. Specifically, the paper reports the results of a study undertaken in 1983 in the state...
The impact of agricultural extension: the training and visit system in India. Issues in medium-term macroeconomic adjustment. Shelter strategies for the urban poor in developing countries. The costs and...
This paper summarizes the results of a study sponsored by the World Bank, The impact of agricultural extension : a case study of the training and visit system in Haryana, India. As a review of the rationale...
The paper presents results from a study designed to estimate the effect on agricultural productivity of the Training and Visit Extension System in the Karnal and Kairana Tehsil districts in India. The...
The impact of extension is an imprecise term. Does it, for example, mean the full set of changes, direct and indirect, resulting from an extension initiative or does it have narrower connotations of change?...
Recognizing the importance of providing any discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the T & V system of agricultural extension with firm empirical foundations, this paper draws extensively on evidence...
A significant gap exists in many countries between known and feasible agricultural technologies, and what is actually practiced by farmers. A major channel for the dissemination of information on these...
A dynamic model of diffusion of a new technology involving a variable input highlights the role of information accumulation and distinguishes between active gathering of information, which entails costs...
A significant gap exists in many countries between known and feasible agricultural technologies, and what is actually practiced by farmers. A major channel for the dissemination of information on these...
This book discusses the total effects of the project on incomes and the net demands for goods and services in the economy. The differences between the total effects and the direct effects, the theme of...