This paper sheds light on a Malaysian paradox that may have lessons for the rest of the world. Despite high gross domestic product growth with concurrent sharp reductions in income poverty and inequality...
This study employs a synthetic panel approach based on nationally representative micro-level data to track poverty and income mobility in Malaysia in 2004–16. On aggregate, there were large reductions...
The World Bank’s high frequency household monitoring survey is conducted to provide timely and granular information on how the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is affecting the well-being of Malaysian households...
Bold policies needed to boost economic recovery and improve social stability. Like Hydra, the many-headed monster of Greek myth, COVID-19 (coronavirus) is proving hard to suppress even a year after the...
The March 2021 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and the CPI, national...
This paper describes and evaluates Malaysia’s experience with National Development Planning (NDP). It discusses Malaysia’s approach to national planning and how it has successfully driven economic transformation...
Malaysia stands out for its strong economic performance and resilience over a period of sixty years which delivered rapid and inclusive economic growth to its diverse population. This paper describes and...
Malaysia is likely to make the transition from an upper-middle-income economy to a high-income economy within the next five years, despite the setback of the COVID-19-induced recession in 2020. This transition...
In 2020, Malaysia passes a crucial milestone in its demographic trajectory and becomes an aging society. Driven by a precipitous decline in fertility accompanied by a sustained rise in life expectancy...
Malaysia has been grappling with understanding how many foreign workers reside in the country and thus faces challenges in formulating evidence-based foreign worker policies. This paper uses micro-level...
Malaysia has been grappling with understanding how many foreign workers reside in the country and thus faces challenges in formulating evidence-based foreign worker policies. This paper investigates how...
Despite Malaysia’s low and stable inflation rate, there has been an ongoing debate regarding perceived increases in the cost of living in the country. The concerns are frequently expressed in public policy...
Malaysia has experienced a rise in foreign labor inflows in response to steady economic expansion and demographic changes. The foreign workforce has been hovering around 15 percent of the total labor force...
Malaysia is no stranger to external shocks affecting its macroeconomy. Over the past two decades, it was buffeted by the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis (AFC), the 2001 global slowdown after 9/11, and the...
Malaysia's economy is continuing to see growth, but the pace of expansion has moderated. Growth slowed to 4.4 percent in Q3 2019, as subdued global conditions and heightened uncertainty continued to weigh...
Malaysia's economy is continuing to see growth, but the pace of expansion has moderated. Growth slowed to 4.4 percent in Q3 2019, as subdued global conditions and heightened uncertainty continued to weigh...
The World Bank Group Global Knowledge and Research Hub in Malaysia is experiencing a year of transitions: firstly, moving into our next phase of operations, beginning July 1, 2020; and second, undergoing...
Malaysia has experienced a rise in foreign labor inflows in response to steady economic expansion and demographic changes. The foreign workforce has been hovering around 15 percent of the total labor force...
The fifth edition of the Development Digest begins with an article on why it’s important to look beyond averages when it comes to the country’s development, followed by a look at the region’s success in...
The overall objective of the Maputo Urban Poverty and Inclusive Growth Study is to inform the municipal governments of Maputo and Matola in the Greater Maputo Area (GMA) on how to better target and finance...