This literature review and framework for mobilization of financing from institutional investors is part of a wider project conducted by the World Bank Group to examine the effectiveness of activities undertaken...
At the request of the Minister of Finance (MoF), a World Bank mission visited Skopje from 6th-14th July 2022 to support the update of the SME-finance-related activities of the Government’s Growth Acceleration...
In this report, the authors investigate state-owned enterprise (SOE) listings as a solution to promote local capital markets development. Thus, SOE listings can offer governments an enormous opportunity...
In this report, the authors investigate state-owned enterprise (SOE) listings as a solution to promote local capital markets development. Thus, SOE listings can offer governments an enormous opportunity...
Agricultural transformation that involves the production of high-value food products and post-harvest processing is high on the policy agenda in many developing countries. A surge in the demand for high...
The Issue-Driven Exchange Traded Fund (ID ETF) is an investment product with significant potential to support the development of domestic capital markets in Emerging Market Economies (EMEs). Specifically...
At the Cannes Summit in 2011, the G20 launched an initiative to prepare an action plan for the development of local currency bond markets (LCBMs). Since then, the IMF and the World Bank have produced brief...
This global study seeks to assess how financial technology firms (FinTechs) have been impacted by Covid-19, and how they are responding to the resultant challenges and opportunities. The study is a joint...
This note consolidates and summarizes the theoretical and empirical research produced in the past 20 years on the causes, effects, and sequencing of capital markets development. Overall, the empirical...
At the Cannes Summit in 2011, the G20 launched an initiative to prepare an action plan for the development of local currency bond markets (LCBMs). Each year, the IMF and the World Bank have produced a...
The aim of this draft background note is to provide public debt managers with an overview of the matters that need to be considered by debt management offices (DMOs) planning to provide a securities lending...
This background note focuses on the use of bond buybacks and bond exchanges in the domestic government securities market. The objective is to provide an overview of their functions and of the procedures...
This background note is intended to assist debt management offices (DMOs) in assessing whether a bond placement scheme combining auctions and syndications is an appropriate strategy in their markets and...
Developing and implementing an issuance plan for Goverment Security (GS) is an important ongoing activity for Emerging Market Economy (EME) debt managers, with implications for the government’s cost of...
The issuance of sukuk, as an instrument in Islamic finance, has been growing in recent years. Many policy makers and businesses are looking at the sukuk markets as sources of long-term financing. The paper...
Emerging market economies (EMEs) are making important strides in developing long-term finance capital market vehicles to support investment in strategic areas such as infrastructure. However, since last...
As the year 2012 unfolds, its main legacy will be its game changing impact on global financial markets. Waning global growth along with central banks' bold monetary easing policies in advanced economies...
This paper examines the current stage of development of government securities markets in the non-GCC MENA region focusing in five countries that have government bond markets with a minimum size and greater...
Despite the scale of the global financial crisis, to date it has not resulted in a sovereign debt crisis among emerging market countries. Two significant factors in this outcome are the improved macroeconomic...
The purpose of this Handbook is to provide some guidance on how a primary dealer (PD) system can be designed in order to best meet the development needs of the market as well as the legitimate expectations...