A Technical Knowledge Exchange (TKX) integrates workshops, site visits, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, and action planning to support World Bank clients to address specific development challenges. TKXs...
Japan has long suffered from intermittent but devastating natural disasters. Over the years, the country has developed a comprehensive disaster risk management (DRM) system to ensure that disaster response...
The needs of societies for more accurate and reliable weather, climate, and hydrological ‘hydromet’ information are at the highest levels today. Weather events–including hurricanes, heat waves, floods...
The main objective of this study is to propose recommendations for addressing flood risks in Greater Dhaka. This is based on an analysis of flood risks facing the city, historical analysis of decision-making...
Japan is an island arc country located in the northwest of the Pacific Rim. In light of Japan’s geographical and climatological features, the country’s natural hazards comprise weather, climate, ocean...
This summary report aims to provide a knowledge base for policy and decision makers that will allow governments and sponsor organizations to understand the fundamental operations of weather, climate, and...
River and basin management covers various factors, including disaster management, river water use, and conservation of the river environment. Any of these factors involves a number of intricately intertwined...
Afghanistan’s rugged mountain landscape and generally arid climate make it prone to several natural hazards. Climate change also poses threat to Afghanistan’s natural resources, of which the majority of...
The Technical Deep Dive (TDD) on Hydromet Services for Early Warning was held on September 12–15, 2016, in Tokyo. The TDD allowed developing country clients to learn from Japan’s approach to hydrological...