This paper examines how an earthquake in Papua New Guinea changed people’s attitudes about and the prevalence of intimate partner violence. Although there are several reasons why disasters can aggravate...
There was substantial growth in the resource sector in Papua New Guinea during the last resource boom, increased revenue collection by the government associated with that growth, and significant increases...
على الرغم من أن الكثير من العالم قد لا يولي اهتماما وثيقا، إلا أن اليمن قد وصل إلى ثماني سنوات تقريبا من الصراع. من الصعب المبالغة في تقدير مدى التغير الذي طرأ على الأسر اليمنية على مدى السنوات الثماني...
In addition to being regularly confronted with unpredictable shocks such as floods, droughts, or conflicts, Sahelian households have to deal with the effects of seasonality. This leads to a significant...
In addition to being regularly confronted with unpredictable shocks such as floods, droughts, or conflicts, Sahelian households have to deal with the effects of seasonality. This leads to a significant...
The high level of exposure to shocks, in particular climate-related and conflict induced shocks, across the Sahel region exacerbates the vulnerability of the population. It also increases the risk of non-poor...