Improvements in productivity is necessary to effectively increase economic growth in the long term.The literature emphasises a positive correlation between firm-level innovation and productivity gains...
This paper examines the relationship between firm performance and growth and the business environment in the countries of the South Asia Region -- Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal...
This paper uses firm-level data from the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Surveys to study the process of convergence of transition countries with developed market economies. The study focuses...
The authors use data on 27,000 firms from 50 countries, half of which are transition economies, together with the case of Serbia to examine the relationship between productivity, the investment climate...
Interview with World bank President James D. Wolfensohn - The new development approach and the transition economies; editor (Richard Hischler). Situation of Russia's poor aggravates - World Bank proposes...
The author analyzes the causes of the collapse of profitability in 1991 of the Polish enterprise sector. He explores how it affected the government budget and assesses the forecasts of enterprise sector...
The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the adjustments of industrial enterprises to economic reforms in transition economies -- Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The paper has four main...
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of the Polish state-owned enterprise sector in 1990 and its role in the 1990 recession. New empirical evidence presented includes sales and production...