This paper proposes a new interpretation of the farm size-productivity relationship. Using two rounds of the Ethiopian Rural Household Survey, and drawing on earlier work on five countries in Sub-Saharan...
Approximately 4.1 million people live in the three coastal states of the Yucatán Peninsula: Quintana Roo, Yucatán, and Campeche. With poverty far from eliminated, and economic development opportunities...
Tourism provides a robust stream of revenues for the country, with benefits that reverberate widely through the economy. The sector generates the bulk of exports for the country. As a relatively labor-intensive...
This documented case of climate change adaptation in Campeche Mexico grapples with a problem that is fundamental to addressing climate change risks in areas of high vulnerability, which is how to reach...
In this paper authors present a preliminary approach to the evaluation of policies and projects based on current thinking on cost benefit analysis and real option methodology and the authors' recent work...
In this paper, authors explore the effects of uncertainty on pricing of pollution permits, through the use of a dynamic model of pollution markets. Authors consider two major sources of uncertainty - that...
Scientific progress offers tremendous potential benefits to society but also presents risks. While research focuses on how to manifest the benefits of any new technology, the outside community fears the...
The risk attitudes of samples of small farm owners and sharecroppers in Brazil were investigated. Data were derived by posing two sets of simple, realistic mind experiments involving choice between risky...
This paper concerns the evaluation of the effects of alternative market policies on Portuguese agriculture under the two basic scenarios of free trade and full membership in the European Economic Community...
What accounts for the differences in economic progress and affluence between the middle income countries and the poorer ones? This report examines this quesion in the light of three qualifications. First...
This paper describes major features of food pricing policies in LDCs, focusing on their rationale, their effects, and their cost benefit structure. Humanitarian, developmental, pragmatic, and political...
This paper describes major features of food pricing policies in LDCs, focusing on their rationale, their effects, and their cost benefit structure. Humanitarian, developmental, pragmatic, and political...
The paper analyzes the impact of Chile's Complementary Feeding Program (CFP), both on the direct and indirect beneficiaries. The paper describes Chile's major nutrition intervention programs and establishes...
This paper analyzes some of the characteristics and the main consequences of the food distribution policies followed by the Indian Government and provides a quantification and a cost benefit analysis of...
This paper uses household survey data on consumption to analyze the determinants of calorie intakes in developing countries. It relies on characteristic demand analysis for a demand function specification...
This paper shows how an approximate competitive market equilibrium may be computed as the solution to a linear programming model, when production possibilities are described by activity analysis vectors...
The Northeast problem is one of massive economic and social disparity, compounded by an apparent intractability. This study focuses on the agricultural sector. Formulation of agricultural policy has been...
Tradable goods whose production varies as a consequence of a project should be generally evaluated at export or import parity prices, depending on whether the additional quantity for which the project...
The research has confirmed that there is extensive intervention with market forces by governments in LDCs, which has turned the domestic terms of trade against agriculture and has significant efficiency...