Using two decades of granular data on foreign direct investments, this study shows a consistent global rise in the concentration of cross-border investments within fewer multinational firms. This concentration...
Economic integration of the African continent rests on two pillars: the ratification of an ambitious trade agreement and massive investment in transportation infrastructure. Leveraging a newly created...
Amazonas is the most industrialized state among Brazil’s nine states of the Legal Amazon (here called Amazonia). It is supported by a special economic zone (SEZ), the Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM). More...
This paper explores the economic impacts of preferential trade agreements, conditional on their level of ambition. It clusters 278 agreements, encompassing 910 provisions over 18 policy areas and estimates...
This paper explores the economic impacts of preferential trade agreements, focusing on the provisions they contain, beyond phasing out tariffs. Clustering 278 preferential trade agreements based on 906...
This economic update provides an overview for 2013 and early 2014 in Malaysia and an analysis of structural trends in trade competitiveness. The economy overcame a weak start in 2013 to experience GDP...
Over the past two decades, international trade has become a privileged engine of growth for much of the developing world. With the global economy evolving continuously and rapidly, countries must pay close...