This technical assistance project aimed to improve, at different levels of the data flow, the major components of the monitoring and evaluation system managed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection...
This technical assistance project aims to improve, at different levels of the data flow, the major components of the monitoring and evaluation system managed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection...
This report has been developed under the Reimbursable Advisory Services , aiming to support the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection’s efforts in: (i) developing a monitoring and evaluation system (M&E...
As part of the collaboration between the Government of Uzbekistan and the World Bank in improving the effectiveness of social protection, the Bank conducted a diagnostic study on the main risk’s households...
As part of the collaboration between the Government of Uzbekistan and the World Bank in improving the effectiveness of social protection, the Bank conducted a diagnostic study on the main risk’s households...
European countries increasingly focus on enhancing access to and strengthening explicit linkages between benefits and essential services to create synergies, avoid dependency of low income families on...
This report is part of a broader technical assistance to provide support to improve the data systems administered by the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice (MLSJ) and by the structures under its coordination...
The 2015-2020 National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction (NSSIPR) and the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) were approved by the Government in 2015. The strategical documents highlighted, as...