The use of the phrase, ‘political economy’ originates in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and is also found in the writings of David Ricardo and Karl Marx. What is presently understood as ‘economics’ was...
In the last twenty years, practitioners have come to appreciate that governance is often the weak link in addressing unsustainable use of forests and trees. Technical knowledge alone is insufficient, and...
This is a guide to diagnosing strengths and weaknesses in forest governance using a tool developed by PROFOR (Program on Forests). The tool consists of a set of indicators and a protocol for scoring the...
More forest area is being designated for use by local communities and indigenous peoples. In a growing number of countries legislation is being introduced to ensure that local partners share in the benefits...
The first chapter explains the underpinning of Transparency International's (TI's) approach, the theory that corruption is a chronic threat in all societies and is only controlled through national integrity...