Road funds, user charges, and taxes, by Ken Gwilliam and Zmarak Shalizi. Between the state and the market: can informal insurance patch the safety net? By Jonathan Morduch. Using household surveys to build...
Tipo de documento: Publicación
Número del informe: 20350
Fecha del documento: 31 de agosto de 1999
Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed
Autor: Binswanger,Hans P.,Blank,Lorraine R.,Deininger,Klaus W.,Dinar,Ariel,Grosh,Margaret Ellen,Gwilliam,Kenneth M.,Irwin, Timothy,Klein,Maximilian Michael Johann,Mendelsohn,Robert,Morduch,Jonathan J.,Perry, Guillermo E.,Reilly, John,Shalizi,Zmarak,Thobani,Mateen