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  • Droughts and Agriculture in Lebanon : Causes, Consequences, and Risk Management (Inglés)

    This volume examines the causes and consequences of drought on Lebanon’s agriculture. Lebanon is getting hotter and dryer. Projections show droughts will likely become more frequent and severe. Climate...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 130405 Fecha del documento: 1 de octubre de 2018 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Verner,Dorte,Ashwill,Maximillian Shen,Christensen,Jen,Mcdonnell,Rachael,Redwood,John,Jomaa,Ihab,Saade,Maurice,Massad,Randa,Chehade,Ali,Bitar,Ahmad,Treguer,David Olivier

  • Climate Variability, Drought, and Drought Management in Morocco's Agricultural Sector (Inglés)

    Droughts in Morocco are increasing in frequency and intensity. Associated with global climate change, this trend will likely be more evident in the future. Drought damage to the agricultural sector affects...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 130404 Fecha del documento: 1 de octubre de 2018 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Verner,Dorte,Treguer,David Olivier,Redwood,John,Christensen,Jens Hesselbjerg,Mcdonnell,Rachael,Elbert,Christine,Konishi,Yasuo,Belghazi,Saad

  • Climate Variability, Drought, and Drought Management in Tunisia's Agricultural Sector (Inglés)

    Climate change and recurrent climate events are making water-scarce countries like Tunisia and its agricultural lands drier and more vulnerable to drought. These recurrent climate events are also known...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 130406 Fecha del documento: 1 de octubre de 2018 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Verner,Dorte,Treguer,David Olivier,Redwood,John,Christensen,Jen,Mcdonnell,Rachael,Elbert,Christine,Konishi,Yasuo

  • Liberia Country Program Evaluation 2004 - 2011 : Evaluation of the World Bank Group Program (Inglés)

    This report evaluates the outcomes of World Bank Group support to Liberia from its postwar reengagement in 2003 through 2011. Following re-engagement in 2003, the World Bank Group strategy in Liberia initially...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 73794 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 2012 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Breeding,Mary E.,Claro,Jorge,Freeman,Peter Nigel,Kavalsky,Basil G.,Kelly,Lauren,Leecher, Chad,Martinez,Albert,Martinez Angulo,Ursula Milagros,Ooi,Wee Ling,Pazce Benavides,Carla Lizette,Redwood,John

  • A questao de genero no Brasil (Portugués)

    With the goal of increasing effectiveness in reducing poverty in all of its forms the World Bank undertakes studies about gender equality. This report is one of several already undertaken in other countries...

    Tipo de documento: Documento de trabajo Número del informe: 33341 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 2003 Tipo de divulgación: Disclosed Autor: Abreu,Anabela,Cardoso, Ruth,Chalmers,Geoffrey,Cunningham,Wendy,De Paiva Abreu, Alice,Furtado,Angela C.,Garrison,John W.,Gross, Daniel,Heilborn, Maria Luiza,Lavinas, Lena,Lobo,Maria Thereza L.,Magalhaes,Antonio,May,Ernesto,Moreira Alves, Branca,Nankani,Gobind T.,Nyairo,Selpha,Parel,Chris,Pereira de Mello, Hildete,Perry,Guillermo,Pitanguy,Jacqueline R.,Redwood,John,Sabola, Ana Lucia,Schumauer, Schuma,Sorj, Bila,Von Amsberg,Joachim

  • Environment matters at the World Bank : annual review - fall 1998 (Inglés)

    The fall issue of the annual review on the environment highlights the World Bank's work in FY98 in the promotion of sustainable use of resources. Each operational region and the International Finance Corporation...

    Tipo de documento: Publicación Número del informe: 18540 Fecha del documento: 1 de enero de 1998 Tipo de divulgación: Autor: Watson,Robert T.,Mercier,Jean-Roger Roger,Dore,Giovanna,Eliste,Paavo,Soderstrom,Sari K.,Redwood,John,Collier, J.B.,Arif,Sherif Kamel F.,Brandon,Carter Jeffrey,Miller, Shawn,Doran,Lee D.,Margulis,Sergio,Vetleseter,Tonje,Hirji,Rafik Fatehali,Dixon,John A.,Feinstein,Charles M.,Tunali Payton,Odil,Poore,Kerri Lynne,Bradford,Bonnie,Newcombe, Ken,Blaser,Juergen,Canby,Kerstin Stephanie,Rees,Colin P.,Hanrahan,David C.,Wheeler, David,Keene,Michelle L.,Shaman,David I.